Until We Meet Again

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After that day, things started to go more smoothly. There hasn't been much Decepticon activity, and I got to stay at base more, got to go fly too. I still go back to the Autobot post when I'm not busy, but today I'm here doing more paperwork than I'd like to admit. Dreadwing and I keep in touch, but haven't seen each other since that day. It's probably better that we don't see each other, but it's hard. Captain hasn't been a pain in my ass much either. He knows what I did and applauded me for my actions, but to bad no one can know what happened.

As I'm sitting at my desk, I get a text from Dreadwing. He's asking me to meet him at our spot. He knows I can't just go flying, but it must be important for him to ask me to meet up with him. I text him back saying that I'm not on the flight route today and he is quick to message back. He will come to me, he says. Something is definitely wrong. He wouldn't risk getting close to base, unlike last time. I hope everything is alright. I leave my blouse laid on the back of my chair. With my phone shoved into my pocket, I run out to the airstrip to find Drake. I find him checking some landing gear on one of the jets.

"Drake" Call out to him.

He pauses and looks up. Looking around for where my voice came from. He smiles when his eyes find me and he stands up straight. I come to a stop in front of him, trying to catch my breath.

"I need you to cover for me."

"Why?" He looks at me confused.

"I have to go meet Dreadwing." His eyes widen for a moment.

"How, you're not on the route today?"

"He's coming here."

"Isn't that a little dangerous for a Decepticon?"

"It has to be urgent, or he wouldn't come. I don't know what's wrong. Just please if anyone asks where I am, tell them I went for a run or something. I need to make sure he's okay." I plead to him.

"Go, I got you." I smile wide and jump for joy.

"Thank you so much. I owe you." I yell as begin to run off.

"Yeah, you do." He shouts after me.

I text Dreadwing to meet me near the base of the mountain. It's a few miles from back, but its' the only place no one comes out too. We will be safe to talk there.

I run all the way, but my legs begin to ache after mile four, but I've been trained to run long distances. So, this isn't bad for me. I only have about two more miles to go, but then I'm covered in a shadow. I continue to run as I look up and see a royal blue belly of a jet flying over me. A cable falls from underneath and I jump on. I hold on for dear life as he flies to the outskirts. He stays low enough that I can breathe, but high enough not to hit the cactuses. When we hit the base of the mountain, he lowers me to the ground. I jump down and he transforms. I start to dust off but freeze as I catch a glimpse of the pain in his red optics.

"Dreadwing, What's wrong?" I forget about dusting myself and walk closer to him. looking up at him with worrisome eyes.

"I found out something, I wish I had not." He says simply.

Then without warning he falls to his knees. I quickly regain composer and run up to him. Laying hand on his knee plate.

"Starscream not only let my brother die, but he also desecrated his grave and brought him back with dark energon. But he somehow got stuck in the shadow zone. Now he walks aimlessly around alone as a risen dead." His optics stare down at the ground. I say nothing, unsure of what to say. "I'm going to avenge my brother. I will kill Starscream. Then I'm leaving the Decepticons."

I look up in shock. "Where will you go? Will you join the Autobots? Will I see you again?"

There are so many questions running through my mind, and I begin to pace.

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