Back at Base

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I have never been so nervous in my life. I wasn't even this nervous for boot camp. I'd rather go back to boot camp right now. I feel as though the drive is taking forever. The surrounding scenery is passing by, but it feels like nothing is moving. I don't even know how to put it into words. All I know is that I'm not looking forward to meeting with the Captain. I'm dreading it. Drake sits in back of Optimus's cab, while I sit in the passenger seat. Optimus and his holoform are driving. I'm still trying to get used to that. The ride is silent. I'm sure both of them can hear my heart beating. It's so loud.

"Everything will be alright." Optimus speaks, his eyes never leaving the road.

"That's what you think. You haven't met my captain." I scoff.

"Your captain is being read in on everything that is going on."

"That's even worse. He is going to be even more pissed off at me. He will never let me fly again." I grip my head in my hands. I feel even worse. I lost Dreadwing and now I'm losing my chance to fly.

"He won't do that, and you know it." Drake chimed in.

"Your kidding right?" I shout back at him, "He will take every chance he gets to ground me. He grounded me just for Agent Fowler telling him not to let me fly. This will give him more of a reason not to let me fly."

"He knows you need to fly. He knows you will go insane if you don't." Drake counters.

"That didn't stop him last time." I say again.

"That's enough!" Optimus roars over us. "Agent Fowler knows you need to fly. It just may not be as often as you would like."

All I can do is nod my head. I don't have any more to say. Nor do I want Optimus to yell again. It feels the same as when the Captain yells at me only my Captain doesn't have an aura of power surrounding him. Optimus bleeds leadership and makes you want to listen to him. Captain does not. He's a leader but not a very good one. I only follow that man because I have to. Over the years I have slowly lost my respect for him. Mainly because he treats me as a child. After the breakup, he never treated me the same. Not that it matters. I'd rather be treated like everyone else, but sometimes I think he is harder on me than anyone else. Maybe because he is upset that I dumped him. I don't know nor do I want to know. I wish I could switch units.

When I found out I was going to be in his unit, I thought everything would be great. We were friends before we dated. We grew up together. His father and my father were best friends. We traveled around the country together. Everyone thought we were going to be the perfect pair. That we would get married and have children together, but all I found out is how uptight and like my father he is. I couldn't handle it. I love my dad, but I don't want to date him. Now he treats me worse than my father. I'd rather have my father for a captain.

The base come into view, and I sink lower and lower into my seat. Optimus rolls through the gate, and I don't even try and look out the window. I don't want to see everyone staring at us. I wish there was a way I could just run to my barracks room and never come out. I never want to see daylight again. No, that's wrong. I want to get in my jet and fly off into the sunset. I want to leave and never come back. I feel Optimus come to a stop. I stay where I am. I'm not ready to face the captain and his wrath.

"Time to get out." Drake gives me a nudge.

"I'm not ready." I can't help but whine.

"Stop being a baby and get out." He pushes harder.

I groan but get out anyway. Everyone is standing there, surrounding us. I want to crawl back in the semi and never come back out. I spot my Captain right way and standing next to him is Agent Fowler. They are both standing near the front. The Captain has his hand claps behind his back and a look that could kill on his freshly shaved face. Agent fowler has a look of pride going on. He catches Optimus and gives him a nod of approval. Drake hops out of the truck and stands next to me, giving me a small pat on the back. I gulp and then make my way over to the Captain.

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