44. Far From Home

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It was finally time so I took a bath, put on some deodorant and finally my clothes, I didn't forget the cologne she loved so much.

I went over to her house and rang the doorbell. Her brother opened up for me. "Just so you know I disapprove of this relationship completely".

"I'll do well to remember that. Is Alexa in her room?". I asked him.

"Yeah I think so. You can go check. Third room down the hall on your left". He replied.

I nodded then went up to the room he described. I knocked but no answer. So I walked in.

Judging from the design and the style I knew it was hers. Her dress was still neatly placed on the bed. I walked over to the bathroom door, I knocked but still no answer.

So I tried calling her. It rang but there still was no answer. And then her words ran through my mind.

"Okay. I'll be ready. And if I'm not home just assume I've been kidnapped because there's no way I'm missing out on this. It's going to be our official second date".

I know that it's stupid to think this way but knowing how our lives work and how Alexa's always getting into trouble I couldn't help but think.

I paced around her room for about thirty minutes before it struck me. The tracker.

Of course. If her phone wasn't in the house there's a chance it's with her. I quickly called one of my tech guys and he tracked it down, in twenty minutes.

From the looks of it. She's very far from home.


I closely tried opening my eyes. My head felt like it was hit by a brick. Maybe it probably was. I still have no idea what Gabby hit me with and most importantly why.

I lifted my hand up to my head and when I looked back at my hand there was blood. Gabby really did do a number on me.

I finally gathered enough strength to stand. I looked around the room, it was really small and it had this huge metal door.

I stood on my tip toes so that I could see what's happening outside. There was no use yelling for help it's obvious I've been kidnapped.

I scanned the room, counted the guards and searched for familiar bitches. Oh sorry. I mean faces.

And that's when I saw their faces. It was Isa and Gabby. So Gabby works for Isa. She's so dead when I leave this place.

I tapped around my body when I remembered my phone. I always had it on me in this secret pocket Axel thought me about. He said just incase I get kidnapped.

I brought out my phone and thank goodness it was still on. It was on silent mood and I think that was God's doing.

I checked my missed calls and I had a butt load of missed calls from Theo. And one text.

"It's obvious you've been kidnapped. Just don't die. I'm coming".

I knew I could always count on him. Now all I needed to do was keep Isa from killing me.

I heard footsteps coming towards the room, so I hide my phone quickly.

I heard Isa's voice saying "bring her to the other room. I think it's time we had a chat".

The guard opened the door and started to drag me with him and that's when I stole his gun that was conveniently exposed on his waistband. Another thing I learnt from Axel. I hid the gun in the pouch of my hoodie.

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