34. Always and Forever

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I sat in the middle of the garden just staring at the moon.

I've always loved it. My mum once told me that Gabby and I were born on a night just like this one.

Calm, dark and peaceful. And the only light she saw was the moon.

My mum wasn't always that bad, but she was a whore.

She had so many useless boyfriends before she hooked up with Mr Reyes.

Some of said boyfriends where total dickheads. Some even tried hitting Gabby.

When ever anyone laid a hand on her I would fight them but I only got a beating in the end.

Whenever Theo tells me about the Hernandez bitch, I stop and think how someone could be so damn lucky in life. It really gets on my nerves.

"Hey Isabelle". I heard his voice call out to me.

"Any updates Cole".

Cole has been my little minion keeping an eye on the bitch for me.

"Yes. I quit". Does he want to die.

"Quit?. I'm afraid you don't have that kind of luxury sweetheart".

"I'm being serious. I spent enough time with her to know that what you're doing is crap. Theo doesn't love you". How on Earth did he find that out

"And who told you I'm doing this because of Theo".

"It's obvious okay. And even if you get her out of his life that doesn't mean he would even look at you".

"What do you know about Theo and I". His words were like daggers stabbing my heart.

"All I know about Theo is that he loves Alexa. And for you". He paused then took my hands in his. "You are a smart strong woman, you don't need Theo's love to prove that. I've never met a girl as will full and strong like you. Any man would be lucky to have you, so just forget about Theo and give the rest of us a try".

What on Earth is he saying. I can't just let Theo go. He's the only one I want. And I always get what I want.

By any means necessary.

"Listen up Andrews". I pulled my hands away. "You work for me remember. You have no right to tell me what I should and shouldn't be doing. I think you forgot our little arrangement. Your dad is still at my mercy".

Thats right. I had his dad kidnapped and forced him to spy on the bitch for me.

"I know you Belle". I wish he would stop calling me that. "If you wanted to hurt him you would have done it a long time ago".

"Could you stop trying to see the good in me".

"There is good in you Belle. You just got to see it for yourself. And the day you do, just give me a call and we can grab some coffee". He walked away after saying complete and utter nonsense.


Its so funny he thinks that way. There's nothing like that in my life.

"You know he's right sis". Gabby said from behind. When did she even show up.

"Not you too".

"I've known you for 22 years remember. And I was able to see the good in you the moment I saw you in mum's womb".

"Oh my gosh Gabby you're so gross." She chuckled.

"But seriously, that guy has the hots for you".

"There's no way".

"You're a smart strong woman. There's good in you Belle". Gabby started mimicking Cole's words.

"Whatever. It doesn't matter. I only have my eyes set on one man".

"Oh yes the ever so vicious Theo Reyes. We all grew up together but I still can't see what you like about him. He is always Moody and he never says a word to anyone".

"It doesn't matter if you can't see it. But I can. And he would have been mine if that Hernandez bitch never popped up".

"I met Alexa. And I don't really..". I cut her short.

"Don't you dare take her side too. I hate her and she's the reason Theo doesn't love me. She's the reason he has no emotions towards me". It felt like my head was spinning, then Gabby grabbed me and placed my head on her chest.

"Can't you see Isa. Theo is toxic to you. He's breaking you down from the inside and you can't see that. When was the last time you took your medication".

"I promise I'll take it. Just help me with Theo. When he's mine I promise I'll get better completely. Just help me Gabby. I need him. I can't breathe without him. He...he... He should be mine....why isn't he mine.... Why can't he look at me with love in his eyes....I need him to love me Gabby...I need Theo".

Gabby kept holding me until I was able to calm down.

"It's okay Isa. I'll do it for your sake. As long as you promise to get better".

"I promise".

"And Axel". She really does love Axel. I think he's the only Hernandez I might tolerate.

"I won't harm him. You love him and I respect that."

She then tightened her grip on me.

Gabby and I have always been a mother to each other.

I protect Gabby and she takes care of me.

Always and forever.

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