32. Holy mother of cornflakes

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"Alexa I'm back!". I heard Jackson's voice coming from the door.

I went over and sat on the couch then Jackson sat right next to me looking exhausted.

"Looks like you had fun". I said with a smile.

"You don't know the half of it". He said with a chuckle.

"So who's Mr handsome". I instantly saw the sheepish smile on Jackson face.

"Well his name is Dale and he's from Seattle. And he is just here to visit his cousin".

"Wow you know his whole life story now". We both laughed at what I had just said.

"Honestly I've never met someone who loves Nigerian movies as much as I do. And you know what that means".

"That's you're both weird".

"Yes and I finally found someone who has so many things in common with me".

"So when are you seeing Dale again?" I asked.

"I have no idea. He said he moves around alot, so whenever he just happens to be in New York we'll meet up for coffee". Seeing Jackson smile so much brought so much happiness to me.

"So tell me how your day was".

Then I narrated all the events of today to Jackson.

From the hospital records to the coffee shop and then Donny.

"No offense lex but your ex mum is a total bitch. And here I thought Tracy was bad".

"No offense taken. But now the case is about Donny, I could always take him home with me but I won't be his legal guardian".

"Don't worry about all that. I know a guy who knows a guy". There he goes flaunting his connections in my face.

"Thanks Jackie"

"Now about Theo". Jackson was fast to move the topic to Theo.

"Yes Theo. What about him"

"Alexandria Maria Hernandez. You are the most senseless human I have ever met".

"Ouch". That hurt.

"You mean to tell me that you were so blinded by rage that you didn't take an hour out of your time to find things out. And now after three years you gain a little sense and decided to find the clearly printed truth".

"Slow down Jackson. I wasn't really in a good state back then. You know I had a miscarriage on the night of the accident and I wanted to have someone to blame". I said in my defense.

"Yes I know but does Theo know about it."

"No he doesn't".

"Well he deserves to know. It was his sperm after all".

"Oh my gosh. You're so disgusting". I said then I walked away.

Maybe Jackson's right. Theo does have a right to know. But then again, what good would that be.

We woke up the next day and got ready to leave. Donny really didn't take any clothes with him, so he wore Jackson's over sized clothes. We were gonna go shopping first thing when we land.

Donny and Jackson quickly hit it off making me feel like a third wheel in their bromance.

The flight back was mostly Jackson and Donny talking about starwars and me stuffing my face with strawberries.

When we finally landed Jackson and I took Donny shopping. We bought an entire wardrobe and more gargets than he had use for.

After giving them the address to deliver everything. We went back home.

I talked straight into the living room with Donny by my side.

It seemed like Axel and dad were talking to someone.

I tried to peep at who it was and.

Holy mother of cornflakes.

It was her.

The entire house is filled with photos of her.

I took a long hard look at her.

Her eyes were a mix of blue and green just like mine.

Her hair was a shiny brown colour just like mine before I dyed it.

Her face, her bone structure. It all reminded me of myself.

It was her.

My birth mum.

Antoinette Hernandez.

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