14. On our Merry Way

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"You can't do this to me. After everything I've done for you". I heard someone shout from the living room.

I rushed down to see who it was. It was Tracy. From the looks of it she and Axel are fighting.

"It's over Tracy. And nothing you say or do can change that". Omg Axel was breaking up with her.

Part of me was happy but the other part was over joyed. It was finally happening. The break up I've been waiting for.

"Alright then. I'll leave you alone. But know this, even if I'm a terrible person I genuinely loved you and...and". Axel cut her off before she could finish.

"And nothing. Just leave already". He said pointing towards the door.

Tracy grabbed her purse and ran out. From the looks of it she was about to cry. Now I actually felt a little bit of pity for her.

"Wasn't that kinda harsh bro?" I asked Axel because I was actually concerned about Tracy.

"Doesn't matter. I got what I needed and besides you hate her"

"Yeah I do. But honestly that was harsh even for her. And she did make you kinda happy"

"Look Lex, no matter how happy she made me. It was all part of a plan. And I know better than to mix love and business together"

"Yeah I get it. We can't let ourselves get too attached to anyone"

"Exactly. So when did your hair turn blonde?" Axel asked changing the topic completely.

"I thought it was about time for a change and this is the last time"

"But you said the last nineteen times"


"I still think your brown hair is prettier"

"Oh my sweet brother you know absolutely nothing". We both started laughing. Axel and I ended up binge watching SpongeBob all night.


Today's the day. Today's the day I go back to Ohio and find out if Theo was lying or not.

Speaking of Theo I haven't spoken to him since the whole drunk incident.

It's not like I miss him but I . "Shut up you miss him". My conscience attacked me.

I wasn't missing him. I just got a little used to seeing him. That's all.

After I find out the truth. I'll know if Theo and I still have a chance. "See you miss him". "Shut up conscience"

"You ready Lexi?". Jackson asked from the door.

"Yeah I'm ready. Just gotta pack some guns"

"Thank God your dad let you borrow his private jet or else will have a butt load of explaining to do. By the way I love the hair"

"Thank you. I thought to myself why not just go blonde."

"Alright princess. You understand going to Ohio means more than just finding out the truth. You might bump into..". I cut him off before he could finish.

"No need to say it. I know there's a chance I might see Laura and Donny. But it doesn't matter. I'm not going there for them. I'm going for myself and the truth"

"If you say so. Let's go then"

We got in the car and we were on our merry way. Then I got a text from Cole.

Have a safe flight madam.

Don't think you can slack off just because I'm not there. Better get back to work"

Yes right away madam😉.

I couldn't help but smile. Jackson seemed to have noticed.

"So is it Theo or Tyler"

"Neither. It's my assistant"

"Assistant?. Spill the tea now"

I told Jackson everything about Cole. From the very start. How we dated, then he cheated with my best friend. How he was a complete asshole and the fact that he's my new assistant.

"You know what I think" Jackson said.

"Tell me"

"He wants you. And before you say there's no way you would get back together with him, remember first loves never truly die no matter how it ended. Nither the less I'm on team Theo all the way"

"What do you mean team Theo. I'm with Tyler remember"

"Oh please. We all know compared to Theo and Cole, Tyler doesn't have a chance. Speaking of Tyler why wasn't he at the gala"

"He said something about getting arrested for running a red light or something like that"

"Is that the best excuse he could come up with"

Then my phone rang. It was Kessa. I answered the call and put it on speaker.It sounded like she was crying.

"Kessa what happened?" I asked her.

"Te..te... Tessa's gone!". I couldn't believe my ears. I felt like someone was playing a mean trick on me.

"Stop it. Just stop it. It can't be true"

"It's true Alexa. We're at the hospital"

"Get to the hospital now!". I screamed at the driver.

At this point Jackson was just quiet. Jackson is never quiet. All I wanted to do was to roll on the floor and cry. But I wasn't gonna do that. I can't let anyone see my tears. Ever.

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