26. Pea Brain

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It was now time for the second part of the plan to make my life seem a little bit normal again. Oh my life has never been normal but it was worth a shot.

That being said I went over to kessa's apartment. Tomorrow was Tessa's funeral, and of course I wasn't invited but Jackson told me anyway.

I knocked slightly on the door and I could hear footsteps moving towards the door.

When the footsteps stopped I heard Kessa take a deep breath from the other side of the door before she opened up.

"What do you want Alexa?". This time she didn't have anger in her tone, it was more of a sad whisper.

"kes I came to see you". I said matching her tone. I didn't even know when it came out like that. It was just something about seeing her in this state that broke me. It reminded me so much of how I was when Harley died.

"You've seen me. Now please leave". She was about closing the door when I held it open with my foot.

"We need to talk kes". She took a deep breath then opened the door enough for me to enter before she locked it.

"Okay. Have a seat and let's talk". She did air quotes when she said let's talk.

This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Kes.. I know you feel that I'm somewhat responsible for what happened to.."

"Don't you dare say her name. And yes you're responsible. But you know what. I blame myself even more. If I hadn't become friends with you".


"No let me finish. I've always been supportive of you. Even when I knew how dangerous your family really was, I never judged you. I stuck by you like a sister but what did I get. I lost my sister. My twin Alexa. We've never been apart and now I won't see her ever again. And do you know the worse part, I can't even look in the mirror. When I look at my face I'm immediately reminded of her". Tears instantly started to run down her cheeks.

I definitely couldn't relate to what she was feeling.

"You know what kes. Maybe you're right. Maybe I am the reason. If only I wasn't born into the family I was born into. Maybe Tessa would still be alive. Laura was right I am bad luck. All I've ever done was to bring the aura of trouble wherever I went". I didn't know when I started crying. It's been so damn long since have cried.

I got up and held my hand over my face. I went towards the door as quickly as I could.

As I reached for the door knob I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Kessa.

"You forgot your purse". She said then handed me my purse. I opened the door then I went back home.

I sat on my bed thinking.

I really am the embodiment of bad luck. Nothing good ever comes from me.

The moment I came into this world the people around me started having the worst luck.

I kept on sobbing into my pillow until my phone rang. Cole was calling me.

I wiped away my tears then I answered the call.

"Hey Cole". I said less bubbly than usual.

"Hi, you didn't come into the office today and you didn't give me a heads up so I decided to call you".

"Missing me now, are you Andrews". I said in a teasing tone.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Hernandez you are my boss after all"

"Last time I checked employees were happy when the boss wasn't around"

"Well those bosses aren't you". I was at a lost for words and so was he.

"So since everything's okay. I'll see you tomorrow then". Cole finally spoke again before he ended the call.

I don't understand why whenever he talks to me I feel all girlish inside.

I couldn't deny the fact that there was something brewing inside, but then again there shouldn't be.

The last thing I want is to drag Cole into all my drama.


I called Jackson over seeing as he was the only person in the world who understood me even without me actually saying anything.

We both sat on my bed, popcorn in hand and a damn good movie on the screen.

I told Jackson everything that he missed in my life.

From my family drama to kessa and even Cole.

"Listen kiddo, all I can do now is give you a little advice and also have a talk with Kessa".

"Alright, what advice"

"In this whole Cole situation. I've always said I'm on team Theo and I'm still on his team. But it is your love life after all. So if you honestly feel something for Cole then go for it. In our world nothing good lasts long so it's best to embrace it while it's still there".

"What are you trying to say Jackson".

"Tell him how you feel pea brain".

"What if he doesn't feel the same way"

"Then at least you'll know". Jackson gives the best relationship advice. I wonder when he'll find love.

I think he's still looking for a man that looks like Hercules.

We continued eating our popcorn and went back to watching the movie.

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