5.Old Friend

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Seeing Theo again only brought back memories. Memories I wanted to remain buried.

I couldn't take it I just had to get out and breathe "Excuse me I need to use the bathroom". I told Tyler before I rushed out.

I stood in front of the mirror holding back what felt like tears but I knew I wouldn't cry. I was stronger than that. I'm not weak anymore. I'm Alexa fucking Hernandez.

"Long time old friend". The she-devil spoke from behind me.

"Hi Isa last time I checked we weren't friends". I said releasing all the bitchiness I've been building up over the years.

"Carla dear no need to be so touchy about it"

"It's Alexa now"

"Wow Alexa. That's cute. You think by changing your name you'll change yourself. You're still little weak helpless and fragile Carla Simpson". Isa spat out her venomous words

"You can say whatever you want at least I'm not following Theo around like a lost puppy"

"Speaking of Theo I can't even remember the last time he spoke about you. But clearly I see you've been thinking about him"

"Sorry sweetheart I don't think of trash". I said before I walked out on her.

I felt suffocated in that restaurant. I went straight to my table "Take me home. Now". I told Tyler before I grabbed my purse and went towards the door.

I just couldn't stay there. I knew it would feel like a victory for Isa but my sanity was more important.

My guards were still waiting at the front of the restaurant. I never go anywhere without them especially after what happened last time I was alone.

I got into Tyler's car and my guards followed in another car.

Isa's words kept ringing in my ears. Am I really weak and helpless. I changed my name and tried so hard to change myself. But no matter what. I was Carla Simpson for 16 years.

And you can't erase 16 years just by changing your name.

I tried my best just to brush off Isa's words but I just couldn't. I mean it's Isa. No one is worse than her. Her words hurt more than thorns.

And the worst part is I can't talk to anyone about it. No one knows not Jackson not Axel. No one knows what Isa and Theo did to me.

Suddenly my phone vibrated indicating that I got a text.

Unknown number:
Please find me.

It was the same number. I wonder who it was. And my relation to the person.

How could a complete stranger be texting me stuff like this.

I don't want to bother Axel. I'll just tell my dad when he comes home.

He'll be home soon anyway.


"I want everything to be perfect okay. If there's even one mistake, I promise it would be your last". I told the servents more like threatened.

My dad was coming back tonight. I had all hands on deck making the house just as he likes it. Perfect.

My dad is a perfectionist. He doesn't expect anything less. If you can't meet his expectations then you better not cross he's path.

"Go easy on them. It's not like God's coming". And there's Axel. He's been putting up with my dad all his life so he doesn't really mind if the house was perfect or not. All that matters is that he's freedom has been cut in half.

"You're just being bitter because you can't have afternoon sex when dad's home".

"I don't need dad's permission to have sex okay"

"My Lord such raw words in front of your little sister. What would dear old daddy think".

"He'll probably give your brother a smack on the head". I heard my dad's voice. He was finally back.

I ran towards him and jumped on him. He was really strong so my weight really didn't matter. He caught me with no efforts at all.

Audrey Hernandez. My father. My real father. He's one of the most heartless men you'd ever meet. All that has ever mattered to him was he's family.

He never smiled around people only in front of Axel and I. To the world my dad's a rock but to me he was just a big soft Teddy bear.

"Hey Dad". Axel said from where he was standing. My dad didn't say a word he only shook he's head.

"Daddy I missed you". I told him with my legs still wrapped around him.

"Missed you too Alexandria"

"It's Alexa dad"

"I don't know who named you that. Your name is Alexandria"

"Whatever dad"

"I'm going to my office. Axel meet me there in ten minutes". My dad told Axel then he walked away to his office.

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