38. Ice cream

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Why on Earth was she calling me.

Did she get herself in trouble again.

What if she hurt herself.

C'mon Reyes you're trying to forget this girl. Even if she calls you shouldn't care.

I'm not gonna pick up.

What if she thinks I'm not picking up because I'm still hurt.

Okay I'm gonna pick up.

What if.

Just shut the fuck up and pick up the damn call bitch.

"Yes". I said in a cold voice.

"I need someone to talk to. You don't have to say anything. Could you just listen". Sadness was eminent in her voice.

I wanted to be cold to her but I couldn't bring myself to turn her away.

"Go ahead I'm listening". I told her in a much more softer tone.

"Have you ever felt like people never see the motive. They always see the actions but they never know why you did that. It's like all they see is what they want to see never giving you the chance to show them what really happened".

Listening to her it felt like we shared the exact same emotions.

"Tell me what happened"

"I beat up my brother's pregnant ex girlfriend who lives in our house". She said bluntly.

"Now tell me what really happened". I knew that there just had to be more to it.

"My mother came back. And I don't mean Laura. I mean Antoinette Hernandez my birth mum". She took a deep breath before she continued. "So this morning when I went down for breakfast. I saw Tracy treating her like some servant so I got mad and we exchanged a few words, then she slapped me and I slapped her face twice. That's how the fight started but when Axel walked in he took her side without even knowing what really happened".


When did she get so feisty.

"So you're sad because your brother didn't listen before taking sides"

"That's exactly my point. And to top it all off there's no ice cream at home".

"You want ice cream?".

"Yes terribly". Her goofy side finally came back.

"I'll send some over to you".

"Thanks a lot Tee. And thanks for listening and actually understanding".

"Of course. But this doesn't mean anything. I only talked to you because you sounded sad".

"Theo. I'm sorry. I know I messed up big time and I was a total drama queen and I ..." I cut her off before she could finish.

"I'll get your ice cream delivered". I said then I hung up.

If I had listened to her for another second I might just forget that I'm supposed to be forgetting about her.

The fact that she called me when she needed someone felt nice. But I couldn't just let everything go just because of one phone call.


About two hours after the phone call I heard my doorbell ringing.

Of course I wasn't going go check who it was. That's my maid's job.

I kept on reading the emails on my laptop when someone just came barging into my room.

"What the fuck".

"Language Theo".

"Carl.. I mean Alexa?"

"Yes it's me. The one and only I'm here". Was she high or something. What was she doing in my house and in my room.

"Please leave".I told her before going back to my emails.

She slowly walked towards me and shut my laptop.

She sat next to me on my bed.

"We need to talk". She said calmly.

"We have nothing to talk about". I got up but she held my hand. I think something melted when she did that. But I couldn't let it show.

"Just for 5 mins".

"Fine". I removed her hand then I sat back down.

"I know everything Theo. You weren't the one the killed Tessa and yet I blamed you. You tried explaining but I didn't listen. I'm really sorry and I. I-i"

"You what?. The only reason you feel sorry is because it's convenient for you. I'm sorry Alexa but I can't forgive you. It's my turn to be selfish".

I walked out on her before she could say another word.

As I was about to open she door she hugged me from behind.

"Even if you don't want to forgive me. I will keep on trying. I will come here everyday. I will pester you to the point that you forgive me".

"Why are you doing all of this?". I asked her while trying to break free.

"Because I love you dummy". She let go of me then skipped away like a little kid.

Hold up.

She just said that she loved me.

I couldn't help but smile.

Let's see how long this lasts.

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