40. Love Songs.

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I spent every day for the past week pestering Theo and doing a montage of things, but alas he was still playing the cold card with me.

And that left me with only one option.

I needed to pay a visit to the one who has expert knowledge of how to get back in someone's heart.

I didn't want to but I had to swallow my pride.

I had to for my love.

So I went to Axel's room.

"Axel!!!!!!". Yelling his name was my form of knocking.

I didn't want to walk in on him again.

"What is it?!". He yelled back.

"Just open the God damn door"

"Language sis. I'm coming".

It took a while before he opened the door and you know what that means.

There's probably a girl in there.

I walked into the room after he had opened it. And yes there was a girl. She already got dressed and was about to leave.

"Hi Gabby". Y'all remember Gabby right. My brother's boarding school girlfriend.

"Hey Alexa. It's nice seeing you but I wish it was on more appropriate circumstances". I could clearly see the blush on her face.

"Oh don't worry about it". I said before giving her a hug.

"Bye Alexa". She walked out of the room.

"So why did you ruin my fun?". Axel asked with a perfectly arched eyebrow.

"It's really important".

"Let me guess it's about a guy". How did he know that.

"No it isn't". I was obviously lying.

"C'mon your blushing"

"No I'm not". I immediately tried to cover up my face..

"Just tell me who he is and what you want".

"He's Theo".

"Hell nah. That guy is bad news. Some say he's even worse than his dad and on top of all that he broke your heart remember?". Axel was clearly still pissed at Theo.

"No he didn't. I just misunderstood him". Then I went on to explain clearly to Axel all my misconceptions about Theo.

"I still don't like him. But I guess you're not really here to listen to my opinion. So listen closely".

He whispered the plan in my ear and in that instance I knew why Axel was always being called a player. He knows his way around the heart.

Later that night the plan was about to take flight.

I went into my room. I put on a crop hoodie and some sweatpants. I kept my phone in my pocket just so I wouldn't forget it, then finally I grabbed my secret weapon and skipped my way over to Theo's house.

I stood in front of his house directly under his bedroom window.

I brought out my phone and texted him.

"Come to your window now. It's an emergency".

Soon I saw the lights come on and there he was the love of my life in all his shirtless glory.

I quickly connected my phone to the wireless music box. Then I started playing love songs at full blast with the music player over my head.

I kept on playing the songs and swaying to the rhythm when my phone vibrated.

It was a text from Theo.

"Not gonna work sweetheart".

I ignored his words and continued playing the songs. He just stood there watching.

And as if my arms weren't hurting enough it started raining and damn it got cold fast.

My music box was waterproof so I continued with my sad attempt at capturing Theo's heart again.

Suddenly my phone started ringing and it was a call from Theo.

"You know you're gonna get sick right". He said immediately I answered the call.

"I'll leave when you come down here and kiss me". I replied him.

"I hope you enjoy your fever".

"Theo wait". I said right before he ended the call. "Can't you see that I'm trying. You know how much I truly love you and yet you're so cold towards me. I don't care if I have to stay here all night under the rain but I'm not leaving until you come down here and say you love me".

"Enjoy the rain sweetheart". He ended the call.

I can't believe this.

Part of me wanted to sit down and cry my eyes out and the other part wanted to stay strong and make Theo's heart warm again.

But the sad me won.

I didn't leave the rain. I sat there crying and the rain kept pouring. And as the universe may have it, moral of the story by Ashe started playing.

I started to sing along more like murmur along.

"So I never really knew you.
God I really tried to
Blindsided, addicted
Felt like we could really do this
But really I was foolish
Hindsight it's

When that song was done playing, forever by Justin Bieber started playing and that's when I realized.

I wanted to be with Theo forever.

Whether he likes it or not.

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