9. Out of line.

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"Will you marry me?". I was shocked and speechless. I kept staring back at him.

"Alexa, Alexa ,ALEXA!" I woke up to the Jackson's voice and vigorous shaking.

"I can't believe you Alexa. I've been talking nonstop for God knows how long and you've been napping". Jackson scolded me.

Thank God it was only a dream. But why that dream. It's so fucking weird. What if it actually happens.

"Hello. You look like you had a nightmare"

"That's one way to put it"

"I read somewhere online that for the whole month, every dream comes true especially if it's about someone". What the heck was Jackson talking about. There's no way in hell Theo was going to propose.

"Enough of that. What am I wearing to this joke of a dinner" I just had to change the topic or risk losing my sanity.

"Well it was tough but I picked this out". He held up a red dress. And it was the exact same dress I wore in my nightmare.

"Not that. I'd rather wear this". I said lifting up a black dress.

"Alright then. That was my second choice"

I got ready for the dinner before Tyler arrived. I gave him a peck on his lips before we went over to Theo's house.

I rang the doorbell then a maid opened up. "Please come with me madam". She said, leading us to the garden.

The place was breath taking and the lights were wonderful. A table was already set up and Theo was waiting.

"Sweetheart, you came". Theo said before taking my hand and kissing it. I saw the anger in Tyler's eyes so I quickly removed my hand.

"You must be the boyfriend. I'm Theo". He said extending he's hand to Tyler.

"Tyler". He took Theo's hand and they had a short handshake.

"Right this way". He said pointing towards the table.

Right before Tyler was able to pull out a chair for me Theo rushed over and pulled it out. I went over to another chair and sat down.

Theo sat and rang a little bell. Soon maids trooped in with food.

"So Tyler, what are your intentions towards the love of my life". Theo asked obnoxiously.

"God! Theo?!". I yelled slightly.

"What's so bad about that. It's obvious I still love you. But now you have a boyfriend"

"Me having a boyfriend is none of your concern."

"It actually is. You wanna know a strange fact?"

"What fact"

"We never broke up. We fought then got in an accident. But we never broke up. So in actual sense I'm still your boyfriend. And while I've been loyal to you for three years you cheated on me". He said faking a hurt look.

"Listen dude. Don't step out of line". Tyler finally said something.

"Let's just eat please". I said as I went back to stabbing my food.

Theo has definitely gone crazy. That's what hanging out with Isa would do to you.

And speaking of the devil. There she is. Isa walked straight into the garden while a maid was trying to stop her.

"My God. Theo. Your maids are so mannerless. They wouldn't let me in". She nagged. Nothing new there.

"I told them not to allow anyone in"

"Well I'm definitely not anyone. They should know that by now"

"It's okay Isa". Theo said while rolling his eyes. I can see he's fed up with her already.

"Whatever. Why is the bitch here and who's the guy"

"Hello to you too Isa dear". I said in the nicest voice I could find. Being nice to Isa was equivalent to stabbing your own heart.

"Theo, tell me what's going on". She said as she walked over to Theo. She gently massaged his shoulders. I held on to my fork tightly. I felt like stabbing her or at least my eyes.

"We're having dinner". Theo said as he removed her hands.

"I can see that but why. And why wasn't I invited"

"Maybe he got tired of seeing your face" I spat out

"Hold up, I wasn't talking to you"

"We're just catching up". Theo said.

"Well then let's catch up." She said as she grabbed a chair and sat next to Theo. Clingy much.

Isa's presence made my blood boil but I didn't want to show that it affected me. The rest of the dinner went on with Isa and I exchanging rude remarks about each other.

"Could you please come with me darling?" Theo asked extending his hand to me. I was curious about what was about to happen so I took his hand.

"I'll be right back Ty". I saw that he wasn't okay with it but I didn't really care. Tyler and I don't have a love relationship. It's just for fun.

Theo and I went up to his balcony and I immediately remembered my nightmare. I just hope it wasn't coming true. Fuck you Jackson you gave me dumb thoughts.

"Hey babe". Theo spoke up. I gave him a look that said go-on-dude-but-don't-propose.

"Thanks alot for coming. And I know you still hate me for everything. But I hope you could find it in you to forgive me and maybe we could be friends"

"Don't rush ahead of yourself. Yes I came to this so called dinner. But don't even think that I would ever forgive you, let alone be friends with you"

"Please baby"

"Don't baby me. I lost too much because of you and no matter what you say or do I can't get it back". I walked out on him and went back to the garden.

I grabbed my purse with saying a word to Tyler. But he quickly ran after me.

When I got home I went straight to my room and locked it. The moment he said those words I wanted to scream in his face how he's the reason our child is dead. My baby couldn't even see the world.

I can never forgive Theo. No matter what happens.

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