16. Stable Girl

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Anastasia Hernandez

I walked tirelessly around the large compound just hoping to get a glance at my beloved. Although we were both in love, his family would never accept a simple girl like me.

"Anastasia, my love. What brings you here. I told you I would meet you by the lake. What if my father had seen you". He pulled me to a corner and planted the most mischievous of kisses on my lips.

"Arturo my love. I waited for you tirelessly. I just wanted to steal a glance of your handsome face".

"You shouldn't be stealing glances when you have already stolen my heart".

"Alright then if I have stolen your dear heart meet me by my father's stable at dusk". I told him then I ran off.

Arturo was the only one who could make my stoney heart melt.

Later that night I waited for Arturo. Then I saw the silhouette of a man walking towards me I thought it was my Arturo but it turned out to be his friend Diego Hernandez.

For as long as Arturo and I have been together I've never spoken to Diego. I always found him uptight and arrogant. But Arturo always came to his defense.

"What are you doing here. And where is Arturo"

"He got cut up with his father, so he sent me to keep you company and take care of you"

"I don't need to be taken care of"

"Don't be stubborn little fool. What exactly were you expecting for Arturo to leave his father's side and come to you". There he goes with his arrogance again.

"Don't you insult me master Diego. Or else all my respect for you would seize to exist"

"You're a feisty one. No wonder Arturo fancies you"

"He doesn't just fancy me, he loves me"

"Really? Answer me this, has he gone under your skirt yet". My hand went flying straight to his face. His words were so valgar.

"How dare you speak to a woman in that manner"

"How dare you slap the heir to the Hernandez family. Listen to this, I'll make you suffer for this act against me. Watch your back stable girl". He said then walked away.

Did I really just get into trouble with this man. Rumor has it that his family deals in bad things. And they even kill people. Oh Anastasia why can't you kept your temper in check.

I might as well go back home, my Arturo won't be coming here tonight.

From that day onwards I started seeing Arturo less and I saw that arrogant man everyday.

He would come to my father's stable and trouble me just to see my reaction.

There was a day he came to the stable and it was pouring badly outside. He decided to push me outside and lock the stable door.

I sat outside for a while before he opened up. I got so angry that I chased him around under the rain. It was a little bit fun. That was the first day I saw the arrogant man smile.

Soon I got used to seeing Diego to the point that I started waiting and hoping for his arrival.

"Waiting for me again Ana". It was Diego. He's here. Ana was the nickname he gave me, no one else has ever called me by that name.

"I wasn't waiting. I was just about to leave". I got up and was about to walk away when he held my hand. He pulled me back and I collided with his chest. This was the first time I realized how tall he really was.

"Ana I want to tell you something"

"Then tell me Diego"

"I know it's wrong but I can't hold it back anymore. After all the time we've spent together. I think I've started to develop some feelings towards you. And I know you and...". I stopped him from finishing by planting a kiss on his lips. He didn't push me away instead he kissed me back.

"I've been feeling this as well but how do I tell Arturo and I know he is your best friend"

"We'll figure it out together. Little fool".

Days soon turned to weeks and weeks to months still no one had said a word to Arturo.

Diego's family had travelled out of town for some days so he brought me to his home. It was large and breath taking but the lights were dull.

"Why have such a beautiful mansion and yet these dull lights?". I asked Diego.

"Don't worry about it. When we get married I'll light up the entire city for you". He then planted a kiss on my lips.

He held my hand and dragged me all the way to his room. His room was bigger than my father's entire stable. He didn't even give me time to admire when he threw me on the bed. He started planting kisses all over my body. Each kiss hotter than the last.

Suddenly someone walked in and we were both stunned to see that it was Arturo. He looked at me with disgust in his eyes and looked at Diego with betrayal.

He turned back and left. Diego ran after him while I arranged my garments. After doing that I followed them.

They were on the field arguing. I heard Diego say "Please you're like a brother to me and I want to marry her. Let me please brother"

"You want to marry her. You dare say that to my face. I trusted you with the one closest to my heart and you did this". Arturo was boiling with anger.

"Arturo". I called out to him "I'm sorry for betraying you. I know we did you wrong"

"Did me wrong??? You broke me"

"Arturo please forgive us and let us marry"

"Shut up you slut. I thought that you were different from other girls but at the end a poor stable girl like you could never amount to anything"

"Hold your tongue Arturo. I have listened to you long enough. How dare you insult her. I'll marry her with or without your permission". Diego said.

"Alright then. Marry her. But know this. For as long as my line shall last. We shall always be enemies. My sons and daughters will be at war with yours until one of our lines shall end".

"So this is all about a love story?!"

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