31. Karma

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After Laura's shift was over she took me to where she was staying.

It wasn't our old house anymore. Instead it was some rundown apartment building.

Honestly it was disgusting.

Knowing Donny's health condition, being in a place like this could only make him worse.

I followed her all the way to her apartment. And I swear I saw a rat or two.

When she opened the door I was hit with all kinds of smells.

Rip beloved nose of Alexandria Maria Hernandez. You have been with me since day one. I will never forget you.

Could you please grow some brains.

That's my cue to get back to the real world..

"Please come in. I know it's not much but please make yourself comfortable". She said pointing towards a couch that looked like where cockroaches laid their eggs.

"I'm not here to seat. I came here to see Donny". I had to get out of sitting there one way or the other.

"Okay. Then let me take you to his room. He never really comes out much these days". She said on her way to his room.

She knocked slightly before we walked in.

When she opened the door, I took a long hard look at his room.

The walls where falling apart, the place looked damp. The only thing good about it was that Donny had decorated it with his paintings. He always had an eye for art.

I looked over at the bed and there he was. My little brother sleeping ever so peaceful.

I walked towards his bed then I sat down.

I caressed his hair like I always did when he was younger.

He woke up while I was still playing with his hair.

He slowly opened his eyes and they widened in shock as he saw me.

"Hey Donny". I said with a smile on my face.

"Big sis?.. you're blonde".

"Really Donny. After three years and the only thing you could say was that I'm blonde".

He laughed then he got up and gave me a hug.

"I've missed you, fart head". I said.

"I missed you too. Everything became a mess the moment you left".

"Speaking of mess. Why are you guys living here. What happened to the house". I asked looking at Laura for an answer.

"Well. After you left Donny's condition became worse. I had to pay a lot of money so that the doctors wouldn't take him off life support. After all that. I didn't get enough time to focus on my career so I was fired from my job. I didn't have a job but the bills just kept coming so I sold off the house and I started doing odd jobs until Donny got better".

Wow I knew karma was a bitch but I didn't think it would be that big a bitch.

Okay Laura deserved it a little but there's no way Donny deserves any of this.

I really hate Laura but I love Donny and I can't let him suffer.

"Donny. How would you like to move to New York with me".

"Really?!." I saw all the excitement in his eyes..

"No Donny. We can't do that. She only came to visit us today". Laura said.

"Sorry but you're not invited. I only invited Donny". I replied

"But his my son".

"I know that. That's why I'm not taking him away. Instead I'm opening a trust fund for him and he's free to visit me at anytime. Is that okay Donny".

"Thanks so much sis". He said then he gave me a huge hug.

I got up and I left. Just before I left the apartment I remembered I had left my purse in Donny's room.

I went back to grab it when I heard Laura talking. I might as well eavesdrop.

"That girl is such a bitch. I expected her to have pity on me and give me some money but no. Instead she gave the money to you. What's the use of knowing someone that rich if I can't benefit from it. And she's so cruel. Did you see the car she drove. Yet she couldn't give the one who raised her some money".

"Stop it mum. Your attitude is what drove her away. You're the reason my sister left". Donny told her.

"Oh shut up. It's not like she's your biological sister. She's just the street worm your dad brought home".

"No mum. You're the worm here".

"What did you say you ungrateful little life sucker". She said then I heard a thud like someone falling to the ground.

I rushed in and I saw Donny was on the floor holding on to his jaw.

"Oh my God. Did you hit him". I said as I rushed over to help him up.

"No I didn't. He..he ..he just".

"Yes she hit me because you didn't give her any money". Donny told me.

I grabbed my purse from the bed and I handed it over to Donny.

I pulled out my gun then I pointed it at Laura's head.

"I would have killed you for laying a hand on Donny but luckily for you I'm in a good mood today, so I'll tell you this. Donny is coming with me and you can't stop me". I said then I grabbed Donny's hand and took him with me.

"Oh good riddance. At least I have one less mouth to feed". Laura shouted from inside.

It's clear.

Some bitches never change.

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