Chapter 14: Whip cream, Ex-Boyfriends and underwear!

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Chapter 14: Whip cream, Ex-Boyfriends and underwear!

"What are we doing?" I ask, for the fifth time. I heard Max growl from the front seat "Will someone just tell her. I'm sick of her voice" he barked. I rolled my eyes and childishly mimicked him, which in return made Jester howl with laughter.

"Ok, you have the choice of running down the road in your underwear-"Reece began, before I very rudely interrupted him "Not going to happen!" I stated, leaving no room for disagreements.

"Ok then, you doing something illegal then" He finished, dragging out the word 'ok'. My eyes bulge out of their sockets "WHAT NO! I can't do that" I screech in horror, making everyone hiss and cover their ears.

"Tough your doing it babe, it's your own fault for disagreeing with our other option too fast" Aaron teased with a smirk. I huffed and leaned back, only to sit straight back up when I realised I was still on Nick's knee.

"But its Illegal" I mutter, feeling kind of pathetic, seen as though that's the whole point of it. Everyone laughed at me, expect Max who just growled at me again "Go find someone who cares"

I recoil from his harsh tone of voice. I couldn't help but feel kind of disappointed. I really thought that we were starting to get along with each other. I leaned forward so my head was in-between the two front seats and gave Max a sympathetic look "Are you ok?" I questioned in a soft voice.

I watched as his eyes widened momentarily and shot to me in shock, before the all too familiar scowl creased his forehead and he just started out the window in silence. I blew air through my teeth and rested my hand on his shoulder, making him stiffen "I hope whatever is bothering you, gets better"

He doesn't say a word, no one in the car does. His whole body was tense as if he was getting ready to lash out, but I just felt like he needed to know I cared. I cared for every single one of these idiots and that alone scared me.

I sit back on Nick's knee allowing myself to get comfortable. I jumped in shock when I felt Nick's arms wrap tightly around my waist, hugging me to his chest. "That was nice, he needed to hear that. Even if he doesn't admit it to himself, he did" he whispers in my ear.

His minty breath tickles my neck and makes a shiver of desire run down my spine, I lick my lips which suddenly feel dry and nod, from lack of any other words. What is wrong with me? He whispers in my ear then - BOOM my vagina is frickin jumping for joy.

"Ok, if we are going to do this then I have an idea. But we are going to need a lot and a lot of whipped cream and a lot of bras" I state, finally breaking the silence that has settled in the car.

I hear Aaron and Jester snigger beside me "Whatever you have in mind, sounds very kinky Ashley. Never knew you were that sort of girl" Nick taunted, squeezing my waist a little. I bite my lip to stop myself from bursting out in laughter, at the males sex-drive brain.

Instead I just shrug "You know what they say, a Good Girl, dreams of a Bad Boy, who is only gentle for her. A Boy wants a Good Girl, who is only naughty for him" then to my own surprise I wink at Nick, making his eyes widen before a large mischievous smirk forms on his lips.

The boys begin wolf whistling and making a lot of crude comments. I giggle a little at their stupid comments, mainly to cover up my crimson cheeks at the stuff they were suggesting.


A little while later I am sat on Nick's shoulders, so I can peak over Caden's fence. I scan the area, all lights are off in the house and no cars are packed in the driveway. "Ok the cost is clear" I whisper shout.

Suddenly I hear a loud clicking noise of a camera, I gasp and look down to see Jester taking a photo of me sat on Nick's shoulders "Jester" I hiss, my cheeks burning with embarrassment "Cut it out"

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