Chapter 53

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"Jungoo careful" Taehyung scolded when the little alpha trip on his own scattered toys.

Jungmin smiled sheepishly and said sorry to the worried Taehyung.

This is not the first time Jungmin has tripped, the alpha pup was really clumsy today, nearly hurting himself.

"Baby come on eat something" Taehyung grab the pup's arm and force him to sat on the dining table.

Jungmin whining and shaking his head when Taehyung placed a plate filled with the pup's favourite food infront of him.

Taehyung frowned, Jungmin never refuse to eat food, Never.

"What's wrong baby? Why you don't want to eat anything? It's almost afternoon boy, eat something" Taehyung soft voice turn into stern when he realized Jungmin hadn't eaten since morning.

"No!" Jungmin pouted.

"But why?"

"It's yucky!" Jungmin pinched his nose as it was smelling bad.

"What do you mean, it's your favourite" Taehyung says confusingly.

Jungmin still shook his head.

Taehyung sigh and pat the pup's head. "Then tell me what my baby wants to eat? I will make it quickly for you" Jungmin pouted.

"Jungoo's not hungry" And he tried to plop down the table.

"Wait! Jungoo you have to eat something, it's not healthy" Taehyung stopped him from running away to his toys again.

Jungmin pouted angrily. "No!" He yelled making Taehyung widen his eyes at his bratty behaviour.

"Jungmin, don't be a brat" Taehyung says sternly.

"I don't want to eat!" Jungmin again yelled at Taehyung, the little pup's eyes hard and glaring towards his mama.

Taehyung crouched down to his level with confusing eyes. His pup is acting weird, he never yelled at him.

What happened to his sweet boy?

Taehyung caressed his pup's cheek sweetly, the alpha pup still glaring at his mama.

"What are you feeling love?" Taehyung asked carefully with the oh so soft motherly tone.

Jungmin's eyes flicker his original colour for a second.

Taehyung gasped when he noticed but tried to not show it to his pup.

Jungmin glare softened and the pup leaned into his mama's soft warm touch, feeling so secure and loved.

"Mama" the pup cried out.

Taehyung leaned more closer slowly as to not alert the pup and rubbed his thumb on his both chubby cheeks.

"Yes love" Taehyung asked softly.

"Jungoo feels funny" Jungmin sniffled.

Taehyung sigh knowingly, he knows what's happening to his pup.

"Does my baby want cuddles?" Taehyung asked softly and in return the pup quickly cling to his neck, wrapping his small arms around him and digging his small head in his mama's crook of neck.

"My puppy" the omega kissed his pup's head lovingly and stand up picking him up in the process.

He first go to the kitchen and gets the bowl of freshly cut fruits, so he can feed his pup something while distracting him in cuddles and talks.

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