Chapter 41

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Right after reaching their cabin, Taehyung went straight to the kitchen and warm up the milk while boiling Jungmin's milk bottle since it's the only thing available right now.

Meanwhile, Jungkook tucked the sleeping Jungmin in his bed and cover him with a warm blanket, kissing his cheek and cut the lights off.

Taehyung quickly filled the warm milk in the bottle after checking it's temprature to see if it's not too much hot.

He went to the living room where Jungkook was holding the tiny omega who was squirming in his arms, hunger evident in his sweet vanilla scent.

Jungkook was cleaning his tiny body with a warm wet towel carefully cleaning his burning small body from any kind of germs. They don't know since how long the pup was inside the water filled basket, the lake water might be unhygenic and their might be different kind of worms in it, for the new born pup.

And by looking at the little little red spots on his pale skin spreaded all over his tiny body, they did bit him.

They had to check him up to the doctor too.

Taehyung come and sat beside him, looking at the red allergic marks on  his skin. "Poor baby" He muttered feeling his eyes stinging from the pain he felt in his heart.

He's the omega, it's in his nature to attached to the pups and now seeing the condition of the tiny pup and on top of it the male omega pup who are so fragile, tore his heart painfully.

Jungkook after making sure his body is clean from any kind of dirt then look at Taehyung. "Um do we have clothes for his size?" Taehyung shake his head. "Jungu's clothes will be too big for him and I give his short clothes to charity before we shift here" Taehyung said.

"Mhm, well right now we have to cover him in blankets then" Taehyung nodded and gets away to pick a fluffiest blanket with some white sheets to cover his bare body completely.

They wrapped him up in blankets, the omega pup's whole face was red and he looks so squishy that Taehyung can't help but kiss his fluffy chubby cheeks.

[A/N - I swear to my favourite food I'm having a baby fever sksksksk I already love babies so much and writing this fic makes me want to pop one out of my own! Help me mzjddjkdj]

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[A/N - I swear to my favourite food I'm having a baby fever sksksksk I already love babies so much and writing this fic makes me want to pop one out of my own! Help me mzjddjkdj]

"Oh goddess! He has such a cute little nose!" Jungkook gushed out as he smiled while Taehyung placed him in his arms by placing his one arm under his small body and with other hand he pick the milk bottle and placed the nip to his mouth.

The omega pup sense the feed and open his lips, taking the nip in his mouth and starts sucking it. When the taste run in his tongue the pup starts to eagerly gulped down the milk causing the sukling sound to hear in the room.

Both mates chuckled as they saw the pup hungrily feeding the milk with his little tiny hands clutching the Omega's hand from where he was holding the bottle against his small lips.

Taehyung cooed at the way the small pup holding his hand tightly and sometimes looking up at him with his long fluttering eyelashes and he swear those innocent vulnerable eyes took his heart as he saw the pup's eyes shine in satisfication.

It was too adorable.

Meanwhile, Jungkook contacted the wolf community and tell them about the situation and they requested to took care of the pup for one night as it's getting late and they will come by tomorrow to fetch the pup and talk about the incident.

Jungkook ofcourse had no problem and agreed to it. But when he hung up the call-don't know why and from where those doe innocent eyes which look up at him when he carried the omega pup from the forest to the cabin, come in his mind suddenly.

His heart clenched for some reason, it's like someone squeezing his heart, he don't why his heart is pulling him towards the small omega pup. He came back inside the cabin and in the living room, looking at the side which swell his heart.

Taehyung was having the small omega pup on his shoulder, pacing back and fourth in the living area as he patted his back lightly, probably for making him burb.

But the sight has him going wild inside his body and heart, he feels nostalgic when he remember how Taehyung was doing the same thing with Jungmin years ago but at that time he wasn't able to appreciate the sight, too busy with his own brokenheart.

The hurt and betrayal which never let him see the beauty of the sight.

He felt the guilt rush through his heart. He missed the most beautiful years of his life where he can spend it with his omega and pup, living all those sweet lovely moments laughing and enjoying but he was such a fool to realize it way too late and failed to live in that moment.

Taehyung felt the presense of the alpha and he turn to look at him but frowned when he saw him spacing out and what made him confused was the droplets of warm tears on his cheeks and the gloomy scent of his.

"Jungkook?" He called seeing how the alpha flinch out of his trance and look at him, when Jungkook realize the blurrness on his view, he touched his pale cheek and felt it wet and quickly wipe it, chuckling embarssingly.

He cleared his throat and quickly tried to change the subject.

"Ahem! Um they said they will come tomorrow to fetch the pup" Taehyung feels something in his heart. He look down at the pup who was sleeping so peacefully on his shoulder clutching the collar of his shirt in his hand tightly.

"Oh" He don't know why he suddenly feels so attached to the omega pup, he  can't seem to let go.

And the thought of this fluffball leaving them tomorrow heavied his heart. He don't want him to leave, but he can't be selfish, his parents might be searching for him.

Taehyung nodded and look at the pup with his slightly teary eyes.

They put the pup in their bed between them as the pup needs warmth around him and what's better than having a alpha and omega around the pup who felt secure and warm making him sleep peacefully.

Taehyung placed the thick sheet under the pup and wrapped the cloth around his private parts so if he poop or something it won't dirty the bedsheet.

The small pup woke up in the middle of the night, Taehyung gave him the milk bottle and the pup sleeps in his arms once again.

When he tried to put the pup down on the bed, he again cried. The pup starts to love the warmth of the omega and is getting attached to it quickly.

Taehyung smile at the adorable pup who was pouting his small lips as his hooded tired eyes look at Taehyung.

The crystal like tears left his beautiful eyes. "It's okay sweatheart. I'm here. Don't worry love. You're not alone." He placed him on his chest and pat his bum lightly and sway him side by side.

He kiss his forehead and laid his small body beside him and kept patting his small bum as sleep took over him.

The smile on his lips was contented and admiring when the pup's tiny fist never left his shirt collar.


Thank you for reading this boring chapter.

Btw I was writing the yet another brand new Oneshot book for past week or two and just finish it last night. I was thinking to publish it someday in next week and it is longer than the previous one....

I swear I was aiming for only 8 to 9K words but I just realize when I starts writing I can't stop myself then, because when I notice the words it already reached 21k+ words...

I hope y'all read it when I publish it, I know it's too long but I worked so hard for this, hope to get your support.

It's a Idol/Model au


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