Chapter 32

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Taehyung was in situation where he thinks he might explode from how much his feelings were playing with him. He's torn between his mind and his heart, confused who to listen and what's better for him.

It all happened when he woke up from his nap with a mild headache making him dizzy all over with his little baby tightly clutching to his body and looking at him with wide teary scared eyes. He quickly sat up ignoring the sharp sting that occur in his head from his sudden move and hold his pup to his chest.

"What's wrong darling?" He hissed at his own voice, it looks strained probably from the screamings earlier.

The pup stays silent and cried silently while his little arms wrapped around his mama's neck tightly. "Hey baby, it's okay. It's okay. Mama is here, don't cry" Taehyung rubbed his son's back as he muttered sweet nothing in his ear, trying to calm him down because he can feel his son's fear and his fast heartbeats.

His baby is traumatized from the earlier happenings. Probably because he saw his mama screaming in pain and his grandmaa's wild side while she was hurting him. It's too much for the innocent pup.

Jungmin didn't stop crying even when Taehyung assured him that he's save now. He spread his calming and soothing scent but the pup was too scared to leave his mama now.

Taehyung was being restless first his pup in this state he never thought he would ever see his sunflower so scared. It break his heart to see him crying so hardly. He can't see him like this. Plus his headache and his weakness that he's feeling is making it worse to handle himself and now his pup.

There's something more, something he can't quite understand what, but it is there. He can feel it. It feels so gloomy so-he don't know how to worded it out, maybe deep sadness? but it feels like a heavy burden on his chest but the problem is-it's not his.

He's frustrated, he feels like crying. He feels tired.

It feels like something is not right or the way his wolf is whimpering, it's not only because of the pain or weakness-it's something else. Something he's scared of but don't know what it is.

Taehyung look up when someone enter the room, it's jungkook. He looks at taehyung for a long moment like he's inspecting him, looking deep in his soul. Taehyung gave him his usual cold stare still calming his baby. Taehyung feels the sudden sharpness against his heart he looks in the eyes of the alpha and he saw the raw emotion but it gone as fast as it came and replace it with cold and unreadable place in his eyes.

But the raw emotion he saw scared the omega deeply for some unknown reason. He saw that before but not this intense.

The alpha walk closer to the bed and didn't said anything just motion for taehyung to give him the pup. Taehyung tried to but jungmin refuse to leave him and clutch his neck tightly.

"No! Don't hurt my m-mama! Plwease!" Jungmin frantically says, crying loudly thinking the worst, it truely scared the pup to leave his mama now.

Taehyung got tears in his eyes, he can't see his pup like this. So scared and timid. It broke him.

Both parents made eye contact and then taehyung noticed something he didn't before because of the distance, jungkook eyes were swollen and puffy, his insides were bloodred. Taehyung frowned but then he saw the dried tear on the side of his cheek.

Did he cry? But why, it's surely not because of him, right? Jungkook saw hi- the restless omega and took a step to console their son.


"Hey buddy it's me....daddy" jungkook rubbed the small of his back holding his little arms that were around the omega and pull it back so that taehyung can breath properly.

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