Chapter 13

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Now it was one of those lucky days for jungkook where he can be in taehyung presence.

And it all thanks to his little alpha pup.

They were right now sitting in the living room couch, watching a disney movie as per their son's wish, or basically order to watch a movie together as a family.

The little alpha surely prefer his daddy more but he also loves his mommy so much, but his mama always is so serious, never smile at him. Never played with him. Never praise him. Never cuddle him. So the little mind of a child thought that his Mama doesn't like him. So he always so subtly tried to spend time with his mommy. Who don't talk unless it's much needed. But atleast he's in his Mama's presence that's all the little pup wants.

He never dare to disturb his Mama, scared that his Mama will get mad at him.

So that's why he forced his daddy to see the family movie so he could be with his both parents.

Right now, little jungmin is sitting on his daddy's lap leaning onto his chest who was sitting at the couch. And taehyung is sitting at the other end of the couch eyes on t.v and to say jungkook is dissappoint is understatement.

He don't like the distance taehyung had created between them, he hated it. He wants taehyung to be close with him also cuddle with him like their pup was doing. He's feeling restless, he need to talk to taehyung or he don't know what he will do.

So he took a deep breath and look to his side at his omega taehyung.

"Tae" he called.

He look at him confuse when taehyung grabbed the blanket and gave it to him.

"Tae, i don't want this" he spoke to him and again got more confused with what taehyung did next.

"Oh sorry" he reached for the bowl full with popcorn and gave it to him. "Here" and all the while his eyes never leave the t.v infront of him.

"Tae?" He look at him this time. He hummed.

"Why are you giving me all of these?" He asked confusedly at his behaviour.

"You called me that's why and you always call for me when you want something." He said nonchantly without any emotions on his face.

"But i didn't call for you to give me these"

"Ok. Then what do you want?"

Jungkook feels hurt. Did he really thinks he calls for him only when he wants something.

"I don't want anything taehyung" he softly said. He look at taehyung frowed eyebrows trying to say 'then why call for me' he sigh.

"I just want to talk to you" he gently said. Taehyung eyes widen slightly and he pointed a finger at himself. "Me?" Asked in disbelief that jungkook even feels like to talk to him.

"Yes tae there's no one except you here so i am talking to you" he sees the little, a very little tiny spark in taehyung's eyes that he almost lost to see after he finish speaking.

"W-What do you want to talk to m-me?" He asked voice cold, face usual the poker one but eyes still holding that almost invisible tiny spark.

"I was wondering if yo-" he couldn't finish his sentence when his pup divert his attention to himself, telling him about his favourite disney character that popped up on the screen and just like that his all attention went to his pup who enthausiungly talked with his broke baby language about his favourite character.

In all of that jungkook forgot to notice his omega who got up from the couch and dissappeared from there like a thin air without their knowledge too busy on their own world, his eyes again back to dull, cold and emotionless no side of any tiny spark that once seen in his eyes.

"Daddy 'am sleepy" his pup yawn cutely eyes shuting on it's own out of tiredness. Jungkook nodded and look to his side for taehyung.

"Tae let's go t-"

"Taehyung?" His confused eyes darting here and there to find the petite looking male that was once sitting with them but no site of his to be seen.

When did he go? He cursed under his breath.

Fuck! I ignored him again, didn't I? He sigh and rub his face frustatingly when he realized his mistake. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Why this always happens to him?! Finally he got the chance to talk to taehyung and convince him to go for a dinner with him but he ruined it by his own stupidity.

After so long he saw the emotion in his omega's eyes although it was a tiny bit spark but still there was something like hope but he crushed it......again.

He look at his sleepy pup and put him in his room tucked safely in his warm blanket kissing his forehead he walk out of there and in his room.

Hopefully taehyung maybe awake and he could talk to him again without any disturbance. He open the door of their room and walk inside to see no one was there, he knock on the bathroom thinking maybe he's there.

"Tae? Are you there?"


He open the door, there was no one. He get's worried. Where's taehyung? He checked his house, every corner but there's no one. No sight of taehyung and the worst thing is......

He can't even smell his scent to find him.

Oops! Shit about to go down, be prepare pals.


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