ch. 14

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two months later

Katie pov

I have never been so nervous in my life!

"Stormie, do you think you can find Mark for me?" I asked.

"Sure honey." she said leaving my room. Rydel was finishing my hair.

"Katie, I love you! " Lacey said.

"Thank Lace, I love you to." I said. Just then Mark walked in.

"Hey Katie, you wanted me?" Mark asked. I nodded.

"Could you guys give us a minute? " I asked. Everyone nodded and left the room.

"Mark, thank you for everything!" I said giving him a hug. "I always dreamed that my dad would walk my down the aisle but that dream ended when I was eleven." I said. I walked to the edge of the bed and sat on it.

"So would you like to walk me down the aisle and give me away?" I asked. I looked at Mark. He smiled.

"Katie I would love to!" He said. He hugged me.

"Thank you!" I said.

Rydel knocked on my door saying it was time. Mark kissed my forehead and we walked out. We drove the van to the beach. The boys took Ross' car to the wedding. I got out and I held Mark's arm as we walked to the reception.

I held Mark's arm as I walked down the aisle. My life is about to change forever.

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