ch. 6

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I took a deep breath. Ross rubbed my hand.

"Ok. Well before Lacey was born and i was eleven, my dad died while serving oversees. that was six years ago. Four years later, my mom got really sick. She went into the hospital. They ran some tests. The results came back and she had cancer. My mom went through four rounds of chemo before she stopped. She wanted to go home so the doctor let her. She knew she couldn't fight it anymore. She prepared for her death. She made her will and gave everything to Lacey and I. She paid everything off and the money that was left was to be used for food and electricity and so on. One day my mom got a phone call from the doctor. He told her she had hours to live. The three of us cried and hugged each other. After a few hours my mom died. I called 911 and they showed up at the house. They asked if we had other family to live with. I knew if I said no Lacey and I would be put into foster care so I said yes. They nodded and left with my mom. A few days later we had her funeral. I was devestated. I knew I had to raise Lacey myself. My sister shes always been smart for her age. She knew mom died. It was hard for us. My mom died about a year ago. Since my mom's, death we haven't smiled until today. That's our story. We're just two orphan sisters keeping the death of our parents a secret.

And I wanna thank you all so much because you were the ones who made us smile. you turned our skies from grey to blue. You showed me what family is and Lacey got to meet someone who's shes always wanted to know, a father.

Oh, and the reason why Lacey almost started to cry in the car after your mom asked if mine would be ok with it is because she misses our mom. And I'm sorry for that awkward drive there when I yelled at Lacey. She gave me a look begging for me to tell you this and I did." I said with tears escaping my eyes.

I looked at everyone and they were crying as well. Then we ended up in a group hug. After our hug we finished our game.

* An hour later

"MOMMY!!!!! PLEASE COME BACK DON'T LEAVE YOU CAN'T LEAVE!!!! MOMMY PLEASE!!!!" I heard Lacey scream. The tears poured as I heard her scream. Ross hugged me and I cried into his chest.

"Those were the exact words she said when mom died!" I cried. After I regained my compouser I saw that Riker had Lacey in his arms.

"M-Mommy." she cried. Riker looked at me for help. I nodded.

"Shh. Lacey. I know you miss your mom." he said. she looked at him confused.

"How did you know?" she asked.

"Lacey, I told them." I said.

"You broke the secret??" she asked.

"No... I told them the secret and they won't tell anyone." I said. She nodded and fell back asleep. We put her on the couch and then we all fell asleep.







I smelt food being cooked so I woke up along with the others.

"Morning." we all said simultaneously.

"Foods ready!" Mrs. Lynch said. We all went to the table to eat. After awhile she said, "Do you want to call your mom and let her know where you're at?" I stopped eating and looked at Lacey. Shes gonna cry and I can't stop it.

"Mommy died." She cried. Ross held her. I stayed quiet. Everyone looked at her. I looked at Mr. and Mrs Lynch.

"And so is our dad he died five years ago and my mom died a year ago." I said keeping the story short.

"I'm so sorry!" Mrs. Lynch said.

"Its ok just don't say anything to anyone please." I said. They nodded.

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