ch. 27

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Katie pov

I pushed and screamed. I was squezzing Ross' hand. It was about 9 in the morning. I breathed as I waited for the next contraction.

Ross pov

After twelve long hours, Katie began pushing. I was excited but also in a lot of pain. Katie was squezzing my hand so hard I felt like it was going to fall off.

"You're doing so good, baby." I said.

"I need some water. " Katie panted. My mom handed Katie her water. Katie put her head back on the pillow. She looked at me. I could tell she was exahusted. She pushed again.

She screamed, "I hate you so much right now, Ross!" She grabbed my shirt and pulled me down.

"Katie, breath. Your baby is almost here. I can see the head."A nurse said. I looked, and sure enough I saw our baby's head.

"She's right our baby is almost here, babe." I said kissing her head.

Katie pov

I screamed and squezzed Ross' hand as I pushed. The pain was replaced quickly. I heard Ross cry. I breathed as our baby was placed on my stomach.

"You did it." Ross said. He kissed me and had tears streaming down his face. Then our baby started to cry. I smiled.

"What is it?" I asked. Ross and I decided to find out the gender of our baby when it was born.

"Its a boy!" the doctor said. "What's his name? "

"Liam Aiden Lynch" Ross said. I smiled as our baby cried. He had a good pair of lungs.

"Dad, do you want to cut the cord?" the doctor asked. Ross nodded and walked to the doctor. Once Ross cut the cord a nurse took Liam and cleaned him up. Stormie followed behind Ross and the nurse.

"Congratulations!! " Riker said walking towards me.

"Thank you for driving me here and being here with Ross and I." I said.

"You're welcome. And it wasn't that big of a deal. Your my sister and I would do anything for you guys!" Riker said.

"Thanks." I said as he hugged me. Ross and Stormie came back with Liam. Ross handed him to me.

"Should I go get the family?" Riker asked.

"Sure, but don't say his name." Ross said.

"Okay." Riker said walking out of the room.

"Congratulations, Katie and Ross. You guys are going to be awesome parents!!" Stormie said.

"And you are going to be the best grandma ever! Ross get the camera so she can hold her grandson." I said. Ross took the video camera from Stormie and filmed her.

"Baby Liam and grandma!" Ross said. Stormie looked up and smiled.

Riker pov

I walked out the room and to the lobby. I smiled.

"Cough up Rocky and Ryland!!" I said. Everyone in the lobby looked at me.

"They had a boy??" Rydel said.

"Yup, now let's go meet him!!" I said. Everyone stood up and walked towards me. Everyone was super excited!

"Do you know his name?" Rydel asked.

"Of course, I also know that he has a good pair of lungs." I said.

"What's his name?" Allison asked.

"Now that is for me to know, and for y'all to find out!!" I said just before walking into the room.

I recorded everyones reaction. The girls awed and the boys began pulling out their wallets, well Rocky and Ryland anyways.

"You guys had a bet going?" Katie asked.

"yeah, Ratliff and I won." I said giving Ratliff a high five.

"Wow." Ross said.

"What's his name?" Julianne and Rydel asked.

"Liam Aiden " Ross and Katie said.

"Awww." everyone said. We all held the baby and talked for awhile.

Ross pov

After finding out that our family had a bet going on we told them his name and talked for awhile. Katie slowly started falling asleep.

"Well, we better get going so Katie can get some rest." my dad said. We said goodbyes and then everyone left. Katie and Liam were both asleep. I smiled and took a picture. I turned the Tv on and watched it for a while before I got hungry. I stood up and walked down to the cafe.

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