ch. 21

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Katie pov

Well today is Christmas. We arrived here about yesterday afternoon.

"Its Christmas! " Lacey said. Christmas is Lacey's favorite holiday. I smiled. Everyone was gathered around the tree. I was sitting on the couch. Ross was sitting by my legs. You could tell that I was pregnant now. My bump has grown even more. Its visible in anything I wear.

"Ok, the first gifts goes to the kids!" Mark said passing the gifts out. The kids were super excited. Mark then passed gifts out to everyone else. I opened my first gift. It was from Stormie and Mark. I opened the box, inside was a bracelet. I took the bracelet out. it was engraved and said, "For our beautiful, loving Daughter. " I cried. The bracelet matched Lacey and Rydel's.

"Thank you." I said to them. They nodded.

I opened more gifts. I realized that I received a lot of baby items. Like a stroller, carseat, blankets, bottles, and things like that. I was so happy.

Ross pov

I opened my gifts. My family gave me gag gifts for being an expectant father. I also received clothes and music supplies. I looked at Katie. I had her gift next to me.

"Katie, this is for you." I said handing her a gift. She opened it. Her mouth dropped.

"Ross." She said. I stood up and sat next to her. She hugged me.

"Thank you!" She said.

"Your welcome, love." I said. I kissed her. I got her a heart-shaped locket. On the inside it had a picture of the two of us and an ultrasound picture of our baby. I took the necklace out and put it on her. She then laid against me.

All of the kids went to play with their toys. Katie and I changed and then went for a walk. We walked hand in hand along the tree line.

"I love you so much!" I said

"I love you to." She said.

We walked in silence for a while.

Katie pov

Ross and I walked along the tree line. As we walked I thought about everyone in my life. I thought about how I was that "charity" girl in school. I tried to hide being an orphan but one of my "friends" told the whole school. Fro. that day forward everyone made fun of me or gave me things.

"Ross, did you date and marry me because you felt sorry for me?" I asked.

"Katie, what are you talking about?" He asked.

"So you did?" I asked.

"No. no I didn't! How could you think that?" Ross said rasing his voice.

"That's all my life has been since my parents died! Its been one big Charity center for everyone!" i said.

"So you think I did everything that I've done for you because I felt bad for you?" Ross said.

"Yes." I said my voice sounding shaky.

"Wow, Katie, I can't believe you think that!" he said.

"And I cant help but believe that everyone does what they do for Lacey and I out of guilt!" I yelled.

"And they do! Katie! Everyone feels sorry for you. Why do you think my parents asked you to come live with us? They did it because they felt bad." Ross yelled. I looked at him and then turned toward the house. I always knew we were being treated as charity. I just never wanted to think about it.

I stormed into the house and went straight to my room. I took the necklace off. I cried for a while.

Ross pov

Katie looked me in the eyes and then ran to the house. I was mad and didn't mean what I said. I grabbed my hair and pulled at it. I cant believe I said everything I did. After I cooled down I ran into the house.

Everyone looked at me.

"Ross, is everything ok?" Riker asked.

"No. Where is Katie?" I asked. They pointed towards our room. I walked to it. I open the door and found Katie with her back to me.

"Katie, " I said.

" No. Don't talk to me." she said. I looked at her. I laid next to her. She got up and went to the restroom.

I took a deep breath. She was really mad. I decided that I would leave her alone for a little longer.

Katie pov

Ross laid on the bed. I got up and went to the restroom. I cried even more. I heard our bedroom door close. I walked out of the restroom. I saw no sign of Ross. I sat back on the bed. I cried some more and then fell asleep.




I woke up a few hours later. I looked at the clock and saw it read 2am. I looked next to me and found the bed empty. I remembered the fight, the words that Ross said. I felt like I was lied to. It hurt a lot. I took a deep breath to calm down and then I went to the kitchen.

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