ch. 10

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Katie pov

I got out of the shower and got ready for breakfast. I walked out of the bathroom and someone knocked on the door. I answered it.

"Hey!" I said.

"I beileve these are for you!" Riker said. I smiled and took the roses and box of chocolates.

"Thanks! " I said as Riker walked into his room. I closed the door and walked to Ross.

"Riker brought me flowers and chocolates." I said to Ross. He looked at me. A card fell from the roses. it read:

to: My Love

I picked the card up and opened it. The front of throw card was a picture of roses. I opened it up and read:

Holding you makes my day, kissing you makes my week, but knowing that I love you makes me think, "How did someone as beautiful as you appear in my life?".

I will never let you go, you make me so much more happy when your near and I can't help but smile when your near.

Katie, I love you more than words can say. I'm glad we're together and happy. You've been through more than I ever have. When I met you, I instantly fell in love with you. You were a sad girl and I saw that. I knew it to bug I waited for you to open up to me and when you did I was happy and sad all at once but now you are a happy girl and you have people who love you. I love you the most though.

Happy 18th birthday my love! I love you so much and I just want to make you happy. you mean so much to me!

Lots of love,

Ross :)

After I read it I realized I was in tears. I jumped onto Ross' lap and hugged him.

"I love you." he said

"I love you to and I wanna be with you forever." I said. Ross kissed me.

"How about we go eat!" Ross said.

"I'd like that!" I said.

"Ok lets go. Lacey come on lets go get pancakes!" Ross said. The three of us walked to ihop.

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