ch. 30

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Two weeks later

Katie pov

I finished feeding Liam.

"Good morning, love." Ross said walking into the living room.

"Good morning." I said. Ross sat next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Are you ready for visitors yet? Everyone is chomping at the bit to come over. " Ross said. I tilted my head and looked at him.

"Actually I am. I want to see everyone again, now that we know Liam and his schedule better. But lets hold off on the fans for a little while longer." I said.

"Ok." Ross said. He kissed me, being careful not to smush the baby. He texted everyone and within seconds they were telling him they were on their way. I handed Liam to Ross and went to get dressed.

Ross pov

I held my sleeping son while Katie went to get ready. I turned the Tv on.

"There have been rumors that Ross and Katie have welcomed their child. The couple, along with Ross' band, R5, have been quiet on social media the past two weeks leaving us to speculate the couples new addition." The lady spoke. I laughed it off. They just needed a story. The doorbell rang so I stood up to answer it. Before I got to the door I put Liam in his bouncer.

"Welcome!" I said to everyone. They all hugged me or shook my hand as they walked in. Once everyone was in, I closed and locked the door. I walked into the living and saw my mom holding her grandson.

"Can we tell the fans?" Rocky asked.

"No not yet." I said.




A few hours later

My brothers, rattliff, and I went to the store to buy some food for dinner. We were going to have a pool party.

Katie pov

"How have you been?" Stormie asked.

"I'm good. Tired, but good." I said.

"That's good. You look amazing." Rydel said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Katie, can I stay the night?" Lacey asked. I smiled.

"That's fine by me, but you have to ask Stormie first." I said. Rydel held Liam.

"Mom can I stay here tonight?" Lacey said. Pang. Lacey called Stormie mom. I tried to hold the tears back. Hearing that sorta hurt. I kept a straight face, trying to conceal the hurt.

"Yes, Lacey you can." Stormie said.

"Yeah!!!" Lacey said running off.

"Have you guys told anyone yet?" Rydel asked.

"No. I think that's why Ross wants to throw a party. I'm ok with it because I've missed everyone. I just want to keep Liam a secret from the fans until later. I want to tell them in a special way." I said.

"How?" Stormie asked.

"Well, I want to take a picture of Ross and I holding him towards the camera, and us kissing with the sun setting in the background." I explained.

"That's adorable. You guys should do that tonight." Rydel said.

"Maybe, I have to tell him first. He doesn't know." I said just as the boys walked in.

"Lets get the party started!!" Rocky yelled. We laughed. All the boys went outside except Ross.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked.

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