ch. 13

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"Should we tell everyone now or in the morning?" I asked. I was still super happy and shocked.

" What would you like to do?" Ross asked.

" We should just tell them tonight, afterall we have no one else to tell. Well I have no one else to tell." I said.

"Ok. That is a good idea." Ross said. He pulled into the drive way. He turned the car off and then kissed me. I took me by surprise.

We pulled away and went inside. He held. my hand that had the ring. I smiled. Everyone was watching Tinker Bell with Lacey. We sat by them. I looked at Ross. He looked at his dad and nodded yes. I. was so confused. Then he looked at me and we both nodded.

"So I have something to tell you guys!" Ross said. They paused the movie and looked at us. I smiled at Ross, he was still holding my hand so the ring wasn't noticeable.

"What's up?" Riker said.

"Say hello to the future Mrs. Lynch! !" Ross said holding my hand up. Everyone gasped.

"No way??!!!!" Rydel said.

"Yup!" I said.

"How did he do it?" Stormie asked.

"Well we went out to eat and then we walked on...."

"This how!" Ross said plugging his phone into the Tv so that we could show everyone.

"Wait so everyone there already knew what was going to happen? " I asked. He just nodded. I slapped him when he sat back down. The whole family was watching the proposal unfold. Ross and I looked at each other. Soon enough we were kissing.

After our kiss we watched the rest of the proposal. I looked at Rydel and stormie and they were both crying.

When the video finished, everyone clapped.

"Aww that's so sweet." Stormie said.

"My little brother is growing up!" Rydel said. We all just laughed. Everyone gave us a hug.

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