Chapter 32

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Hey! Updating @ilygarrix again!


Katie pov

Its been six months since we welcomed Liam. He is the happiest baby ever. He always laughs and smiles. He loves to be around all of his Aunts and uncles. Liam loves any toys that make noise. He takes after Ross a lot. The Blondel hair, laugh, smile, the way Liam looks at you when you talk, the list goes on and on. We were at Stormie and Mark's house for a band meeting. Ross was on the couch along with my in laws, Lacey, and the band's manager. I was sitting on the ground below Ross. He was rubbing my neck. I was also watching/ recording Liam. Liam is starting show signs of sitting up all by himself. Liam was laying on his stomach playing with his toy. 

 "Ok, so we called a band meeting because we have somethings to discuss." Mark said. I looked back down at Liam and he was now on his back making noises. I giggled. I looked at Ross and he smiled. 

 "His first song!!!" Rocky said out of no where. We all started laughing. 

 "Its single worthy." Riker said.

 "Now Liam, you just need a music video!!" Ratliff said. We were all cracking up. Their manager was literally on the ground laughing. I was still recording Liam. He started laughing then making noises again. Everyone started laughing. I looked up at Ross. 

"Babe, he's going to be a performer." I said. Ross agreed. I felt a hand on my leg. I looked down and saw Liam sitting up.

 "Oh my gosh!!! He's sitting up on his own!!" I said. I nearly had tears in my eyes. Liam was distracted by his toys.

 "Yay Liam!!!" I said grabbing him and hugging him. I then handed him to Ross. 

 Ross pov 

 My son is growing up. He reached a milestone today. Everyone is excited. Liam is now sitting up by himself. After our mini celebration our manager started talking again. 

 "The first thing I needed to tell you is that you will be touring again. This tour will be at least nine months. Next, your album is currently at number one. Lastly, the tour starts in two weeks here in the US."

I kissed Katie. We talked about the tour for a little while longer and then Katie and I left. Liam fell asleep on the drive home. When we got home I put him in his crib and turned his monitor on. Katie started packing. I walked into our room and helped her. 

 "Ross, I'm so happy for you, but now that Liam is sitting up we have to be careful and watch him. The next thing he will start doing is crawling." Katie said. 

 "I know. The good thing is that we can put a baby gate in the front of the bus and it condenses so we can put it in a suitcase for plane rides." Ross said. I was a bit relieved after Ross said that. We continued packing.

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