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Ross pov

"She said yes!" I said.

"Really?" Rydel asked. I nodded. I told mom her address. When we got there I went to the door. I knocked and it flew open. Lacey hugged my legs.

"Hi Ross!!" she said.

"Hi Lacey. Hi Katie!" I said.

I took Lacey to the van. She freaked. She sat in the seat next to Riker and Rydel. Rocky,Ratliff, and Ryland were behind them. Katie got in and sat by me. My dad started driving towards Disney.

"So Katie, this is Riker, Rydel, Rocky, Ryland, Ratliff, mom and my dad." I said.

"Hi I'm Katie and my sister is Lacey." she said.

"So Katie your mom is fine with you and your sister tagging along?" my mom asked. I watched Katie turn and look at Lacey. She had tears in her eyes.

"Um yeah shes ok with it." she said. I was worried.

"Katie. Please?" Lacey pleaded.

"No Lace." she said sternly. We all stayed quite not knowing what was happening.

Katie pov

I looked into Lacey's eyes. she looked at just begging for me to say what really is happening. She was on the verge of tears.

"No Lace." I said sternly. We all stayed quiet during the ride there. it was an awkward ride. I looked out the window trying to hold my tears back. then my phone vibrated.

I looked at it and saw a text from Ross.

R: Katie, what just happened?

K: nothing don't worry about it please.

R: how can I not? I can tell something isn't right. I'm good at "reading people"

K: ok maybe you're right. but I can't say.

R: why?

K: be. because I just met you!

R: so you don't trust me?

K: Ross.. I didn't mean it like that. I just meant I need to know you better. Maybe one day you'll know why Lacey cries when she hears certain things. Maybe you'll know why sometimes things are hard for me. maybe you'll know why this trip is very important for me.

R: Katie.. I'm sorry. why is this trip important for you?

K: Would you believe me if I said today was the first day both Lacey and I have smiled and been happy in a while?

R: no.. why? What's wrong? Katie is it because you met us?

K: if I said yes what would you think?

R: id think I need to know all about you! I want to know you. I want to see a beautiful girl like you happy.

I read the last message. I looked over at him and whispered, "You think I'm beautiful? "

He nodded and winked.


"I know. I see it!" I said smiling. I looked back at my sister and saw the biggest smile ever.

"Guess what Lacey?" Rydel said.

"What?" she said.

"That's where we're going!" Rydel said.

"No." she said looking over at Riker. He just nodded.Lacey hugged them both. We got out of the car and started walking towards the gate.

"Someones excited!!" Rocky said. Lacey was dragging Rydel and Riker with her.

"She's never been. " I said. Rocky looked at me.

"Really? Have you?" he asked.

"Once but that was a long time ago." I said. Ross paid for our tickets and then we went into the park. everyone was ahead of Ross and I. Lacey wanted to go on Buzz Lightyear first. Rydel and Lacey were in one car, Ross and I in one, Rocky and Ryland in one, Riker and Ratliff in another and their parents in another. I was having so much fun.


The sun was setting and Ross and I were on the Ferris wheel. I came to the conclusion that I could trust Ross. We were stuck at the top. I decided I could trust him enough to tell him.

"Ross do you really wanna know?" I asked.

"I do." he said moving a strand of hair from my face. I looked in his eyes.

"Ok. Well before Lacey was born and i was eleven, my dad died while serving oversees. that was six years ago. Four years later, my mom got really sick. She went into the hospital. They ran some tests. The results came back and she had cancer. My mom went through four rounds of chemo before she stopped. She wanted to go home so the doctor let her. She knew she couldn't fight it anymore. She prepared for her death. She made her will and gave everything to Lacey and I. She paid everything off and the money that was left was to be used for food and electricity and so on. One day my mom got a phone call from the doctor. He told her she had hours to live. The three of us cried and hugged each other. After a few hours my mom died. I called 911 and they showed up at the house. They asked if we had other family to live with. I knew if I said no Lacey and I would be put into foster care so I said yes. They nodded and left with my mom. A few days later we had her funeral. I was devestated. I knew I had to raise Lacey myself. My sister shes always been smart for her age. She knew mom died. It was hard for us. My mom died about a year ago. Since my mom's. death we haven't smiled. until today." I said with tears running down my face. Ross hugged me and kissed my head.

"I'm so sorry Katie." he said.

"Ross please don't tell anyone." I said.

"I promise. And Katie.." he said. I looked at him.

"Yeah?" I asked wiping the tears away.

"Katie, this is going to sound crazy because we just met but I'm in love with you. Katie I love you! " he said. I was shocked for a second.

"I love you to." I said just as we hit the bottom again. I hugged Ross again before getting off.

. . .......

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