ch. 26

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Riker pov

Alison and I were walking to our dressing rooms. Somebody grabbed my arm.

"I have to go." I said.

"No way!! I need you to go to the hospital now!!!" Katie said. I looked at her, then Ross, then Rocky, and then back to her.

"Riker, go!! " Alison said. I nodded my head.

"Give me two seconds! I need to change!" I said running to my dressing room. I changed into my clothes and then ran out. I ran into someone as I closed my door.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"In a hurry??" Derek asked.

"Yeah, Katie went into labor and we have to get yo the hospital." I said quickly.

"Oh." he said. I nodded.

"yeah. ill keep you updated." I said as I walked away.

"Ross!! I will kill you if you're brother doesn't hurry!!!" I heard Katie scream. I ran faster. As I approached I saw Katie pulling at both Rocky and Ross' hair.

"Don't do that." I said as I took Rocky's spot. He took off running, probably pulling the car around.

"Fine. Could you please move faster!!" she said.

"Yes. Katie, just breath." Ross said starting to do the breathing exercises with her. We walked out of the studio and put Katie in the car. I got in the driver's seat and drove off.

Rydel was already in the car.

Rocky pov

As soon as Riker drove off I went back inside to find Ratliff and Lacey. They were still sitting at the seats. I joined them.

All the dancers were back out everyone was there except Riker. We all clapped. When the cameras turned off Ratliff, Lacey, and I went to talk to Derek, Juliann, and Alison.

"We don't have any way to the hospital." I said.

"I can drive you guys. I have a carseat in my car anyways." Alison.

"ok. great. Thanks. " Ratliff said.

"We'll follow behind you guys." Derek said.

"Ok." I said. We walked to the dressing rooms. Derek and Alison changed quickly and then we hustled to our cars.

Katie pov

I held Ross' hand the whole ride to the hospital. Riker parked and then Ross and him helped me into the hospital. Rydel ran in front of us.

"ROSS SHOR LYNCH, GET ME INTO A ROOM NOW!!" I screamed as my contraction got ten times worse as we approached Rydel.

"We are trying babe. " Ross said.

"We need a wheelchair!!" the receptionist called. A stranger grabbed a wheelchair and brought it to us. A nurse opened the door and sped walked to us.

"who's the father?" she asked. I continued to breath.

"I am. " Ross said.

"Ok. Do you want these people to be in the room with you? " She asked Ross.

"Yes." he said. I reached for his hand. The nurse literally ran to the room.

When we got to the room, Ross helped me change into the gown. I laid on the bed.

The nurses hooked me up to machines. I grabbed Ross' hand and laid my head against his arm.

"Everyone just got here." Riker said. I had my eyes closed because of the pain.

"Can you guys record this?" Ross whispered.

"Ross, I love you but shut up!" I said.

The pain was intensefying. I was on the verge of tears.

Ross rubbed my hand. A nurse checked everything.

"Ross, I hats you so much right now." I said as the pain was really painful.

Rocky pov

We've been at the hospital for a couple hours now. Lacey was crashed out. It was about midnight.

"How close do you think she is?" Ratliff asked.

"She's probably only a few centimeters dialated." my mom said.

"We are probably going to be here for awhile." my dad said. We stayed quiet. I started to doze off. Then the door flew open and Rydel came threw.

"Mom Katie wants you." Rydel said. My mom rushed to Rydel.

Ross pov

my mom entered the room with Rydel.

"How are you?" my mom asked Katie.

"In a lot of pain. I just really want the baby out!" Katie said.

"I know the feeling." my mom said. Rydel left the room. Riker was sitting on the couch. He was asleep.

"How far is she?" my mom whispered after a while.

"She's about 5 cm dilated. " I said. Katie had her eyes closed.

"Oh. Everyone is almost asleep out there. Lacey has been asleep since we got here." my mom said. We've been here for almost three hours. I was sitting in a chair next to the bed. I looked at the clock 1:30am. A nurse should be coming in soon.

Sure enough, a nurse walked in. She checked Katie's vitals and what not.

"She's. still at 5cm." the nurse said.

"Ok. Thank you." I said. The nurse walked out. I laid my head on the bed and next thing that happens is that I fall asleep.

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