Chapter 17 - One room

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Ansel Alexander Renaldy

I got home and I can tell I'm pretty tired today, but I have rules, that what happened at the office stays at the office I will not let my peaceful in my living space got disturbed by something from work. Even though sometimes I gotta take some case home, to re read it.

I put on my thumb on top of the scanner before getting in. The light is already turned on means that Sabrina is already home, well of course she is, her shift is always done sooner than mine. I walk inside then found Sabrina is standing in front of the living room while staring at it, I walk closer and found out that Brooklyn is comfortably sitting at my living room while eating a bag of tortilla chips.

"Brooklyn," I say to him then he looks up at me while still comfortably eating by himself while watching a tv show. I know the reason why he's here, probably had another fight with his girlfriend.

"Hey man," he calmly says then I look at Sabrina who is also looking at my friend.

"I'm gonna take a shower I just got home from the hospital," Sabrina says before leaving us two in the living room.

"Man, hey," I try to get his attention from the tv, but he doesn't care so I take the remote than turn the tv off.

"Hey," he finally has his attention on me.

"What are you doing here?!" I ask him, and of course he's still acting like it is his home too. Well I did say to the boys to act like this is their home but now it's kinda different.

"Bro I need a one night sleep in here please," he begged me.

"What? you're having a fight again with Brianna again?" I ask him a question that I already knew the answer is.

"Yeap," he calmly says.

I look at him in silent before sitting on the sofa while looking at him who looks homeless. Didn't he suppose to go to work today? Why is he here? He's not even wearing a working clothes, he has a pajama on.

"You didn't go to work today?" I ask him.

"No, I told my boss that I'm sick," he calmly said while still eating the chips.

"Here listen, I know I should've told you this a long time ago but if you have a problem with your girl well not just your girl, with anyone,"

"Face it man, don't keep running away then come back when everything seems back to okay again," I say.

"She's crazy Ansel, your girl never acts crazy?" He asks then I shake my head, I've never face mad Sabrina before.

"Talk to her man," I keep saying that to him.

"Go find somewhere else to sleep," I say to him before getting up to get a water because I feel so thirsty.

"Oh come on you always let me stay for couple of nights," he pleaded me.

"I should've not let you sleep here every time you're in a fight though, so you can learn how to fix it not running away," I open the fridge and take a bottle of cold water.

"You can go to Damien," I say to him before drinking a water.

"Damien's place is full of dirt," he complained then I stay in silent before making my way back to the living room.

"Listen man," I take a breath before looking at him.

"I got a wife now, things are a little different now," I try to make him understand how's the situation, even though I know Brooklyn is stubborn.

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