Chapter 6 - The day I got engaged

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Sabrina Alicia Kiehl

Today is actually the day where Ansel wants to introduce me to his mom, I don't have to feel nervous at all because the point is to make her hate me, not actually hate me but at least Ansel has told me that she won't like me.

I ring on his apartment door, waiting for him to open the door. He opens the door and just like how I expected he's ready to go, but he invite me to come over I think he hasn't ready yet. He opens the door letting me in, I walk in look around his kitchen is clean I wonder if he has breakfast or not.

"Have you eat breakfast this morning?" I ask him after he closed his apartment door.

"Coffee," he says before making his way into his room like he has something to do before we go.

"Just coffee?" I ask, "yes," he answers from his room where I can only hear a low voice of his.

I take a seat in the living room, the living room is clean as always but he has his tv on. I think he just watch a movie in HBO and it's still playing on the screen. I wonder how it feels like living alone in an apartment by yourself, I wonder would he feel uncomfortable with my appearance here.

He came back then taking a seat on the other sofa in the living room. I was looking at the tv screen until something caught me, he walks out of his room holding a little black box. I look at him don't know what is his plan and why is he having that thing with him right now.

"Last night I bought this," he says.

"An engagement ring?" I ask, "exactly," he says with his lips curled into a smirk. Didn't we have our agreement about being engaged after meeting my family?

"Isn't it too soon? Have you ask your family about getting married?" I ask him,

"No it isn't and I haven't,"

"The point is where I chose to move out of the house which means they have agreed that I am free enough to make my own decisions, knowing what's right and what's wrong for me,"

"So will you marry me?" He asks then I stay in silent, I look at the beautiful diamond ring inside of the box on his hand.

I look at the ring then look up to him, I froze for a second before I laugh, I cannot believe this thing happens to me. Didn't expect things like this would happen, because never have I ever think about being with someone. I don't even think about relationships before until I decided to have an agreement with Ansel.

"Just put a ring on it," he says then he slide the ring to my finger, I wonder how much did it cost to buy this beautiful ring.

"How much does it cost?" I ask him while looking through the diamond on my ring finger.

"It's plastic," he says and I know he's only joking.

"No it's not," I say while still looking at it, admiring how beautiful my new engagement ring is.

"I can't believe I'm engaged and not telling one of my best friend yet," I say to him before he got up from his seat.

"Let's go we don't want to be late," he says, While looking down at me.

"Wait we should take a picture," I say to him which he can only smile at me,

"Normal people take picture when they got engaged," I say to him then he let out a breath before those red lips curled into smile.

He put his coat on the sofa before move closer to me, as I set up my phone on the white shelf. Set the timer and put my phone to give us a good angle. I take a step back which brought me standing next to him, god he is so tall.

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