Chapter 10

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Seokjin's POV

The school festival is around the corner, meaning... i don't have much time to practice more. So i asked Sir Jungkook to give me an extra time to practice in the house, and he let me. That's really surprised me.

He even lend me his guitar one time, when i forgot mine in the library of our school. I forgot about it when Taetae and I were working on our project.

I grab my cellphone when i heard it dings for a message. I look at it and smile, it's Jiminie. He's inviting me to come at his mother's birthday celebration tonight. I sent him a message saying that I'll come as soon as i finish my tasks.

"Jinnieeeeeeee." Hobi hyung called out running towards me.

I look at him confused. "Why?"

"Sir Jk is looking for you. He's mad." He replied trembling.

"What did i do wrong?" I'm starting to get nervous.

"There's a delivery guy that sents a bouquet of flowers for you. He said that it's from the Taehyung guy." He's eyeing me suspiciously.

I look at him in disbelief. "You're kidding me, right?" I asked, maybe there's a chance that he's only pulling a prank on me.

"No. No. I'm serious. If you don't believe me, come with me and see it for yourself." He shrug his shoulders.

"Ok ok. I'll come."

Yoongi's POV

"Taehyung, will you please sit down? I'll be cross eyes if you continue." He just frown at Jimin's complain.

I roll my eyes. It's been a hour after he sent the flowers that he bought for Seokjin. Like duh... i understand him. As his friend, i knew that Seokjin is his first crush, and first love. The younger made him shy, and nervous.

Like right now, he's being nervous on what will Seokjin do when he received the flowers. Aish, this people.

"What do you think Jinnie will do? Is he going to keep the flowers, or he'll just throw it away?" Taehyung looks at Jimin begging for an answer.

"Of course, he'll keep the flowers." Jimin reassure.

"How can you be so sure?"

"The flowers are beautiful. And... Seokjinnie loves beautiful things, so I'm hundred percent sure that he'll keep those." Jimin smile. "I wish he'll finish his tasks early."

I smirk. I don't know why, but Seokjin's 'boss' just popped up on my head. I have a feeling that he'll be the biggest struggle to Taehyung.

Seokjin's POV

"But Sir, i don't have any idea about the flowers-"

"Really? You're flirting with that Taehyung guy, it's impossible that you have no idea." Sir Jungkook accused with his brows knitted.

"Sir, Taetae is just my friend. We're not flirting with each other." I replied.

I heard him laugh. "Silly. How old are you? 18? 19? Tss, how could you stay that innocent?" He sarcastically ask. "Or you're just an ignorant, or hmnn? What you call this..?" He trailed off thinking for the right word. "Ah! Gullible." Then he smirk.

"No, I'm not a gullible or an ignorant. I just don't see Taetae's friendliness as the way close mindeds look at it." I glared at him with a pout. His face slowly turning red with a disbelief reaction. That's made me realized what i had just said. "Oh my God!"

He glared at me back. "Close minded huh. Let's see." He throw the flowers at the nearest trash bin and point his index finger on me. "You're not going anywhere tonight. You're going to clean my room and shine my shoes. Change all the curtains and my bed sheets and pillow cases." He said in one go, and leave.

"Oh. My. God!" I heard Hobi hyung exclaimed as soon as Sir Jungkook gone. "What exactly was that?" He added.

I shook my head as an answer. "I... d-don't know." I sigh and stomp my feet. "How am i suppose to go at Jimin hyung's mother birthday celebration?"

Hobi hyung just pat my head, and give me a smile. "Uhmn, maybe i can help you. I'll ask Namjoon to let me help you." I smile at him, and give him a hug.

Time Skip

Hoseok hyung helped me with everything,  thanks to Namjoon hyung understanding. I'm so piss to Sir Jungkook for what he made me do. If not because of Hoseok hyung's help, I'm probably tired and not able to have an energy to prepare myself for Jimin hyung's mother birthday.

I immediately took a shower, and put on my clothes. Hoseok hyung tells me that Jimin is waiting for me outside. I thank him and run towards the front door, but...

No One's POV

Jungkook is talking with his father through phone about some things that Jungkook needs to do. He really wants to end the conversation to just go out with Namjoon. He really don't know why his mood became worst after he received the flowers that's really for Seokjin.

"Ok, fine dad. You don't have to say it again and again. I already memorised it, ok?" He said before hung the phone.

"Woah, Seokjin. Are you going to go out for a date?" Jungkook heard from one of the maids. "Gosh, you're dashing." The maid added.

"Uhmn, no noona. I'll just attend Jimin hyung's mother birthday. Actually he's waiting for me outside." Seokjin replied.

Because of Jungkook's curiosity, he look at where the voices are coming from. It's Irene, talking to a holy fucking goddamn Kim Seokjin. The former literally checking out the latter.

Jungkook raise his one brow, bit the inside of his cheek when Seokjin open the front door

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Jungkook raise his one brow, bit the inside of his cheek when Seokjin open the front door. "Where do you think you're going?"

The younger look at Jungkook like a mouse that caught by a lion eating a cheese. "I-i'm going out, Sir."

"Without my permission?"

"Sir, i already told you about it awhile ago and you gave a me permission." He replied.

"Did i really do that?" Jungkook ask to himself.

"Yes, sir. You said that i can go any moment as soon as i finished my tasks."

Jungkook chuckles. "Liar." He said with stern voice. "I remembered that i told you that you're not going anywhere tonight." He proudly said.

"But, Sir. Jimin is already outside." Seokjin pleads.

Jungkook smirk. "Ok. Then I'll go with you."  He then walk towards the front door and opened it. "C'mon, let's go."


Hello there beautiful and lovelies. It's really good to update this again. I'm thinking of deleting this book, and change a new one .

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