Chapter 27

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Seokjin's PoV

The festival has started, everyone looks so happy yet so busy. And the games! Taehyung, Soobin hyung, Hobi hyung and even Yoonmin couple have joined multiple games, and it's Jungkook turns to join too. The game is about the one who caught the piglet will win and keep the piglet.

"Go Jungkook... You can do it." I cheered together with our friends and family.

"Kook, the pig running to the other side. Hurry up!" Namjoon hyung yelled like a coach which Jungkook complied.

We all laugh when he tripped and dirtied his face with muds, but he stood up and run again to catch the pig with the other players.

After some more tripping and rolling on the mud, the game ended. Jungkook got the prize, and proudly held it up to show it off. "I won!" He yelled with his handsome smile that I really love.

"You won!" We cheered again, and run towards him.

"This is for you, Seokjin." He smiled before winking. I smile shyly, but thank him.

"Eww. You're so dirty.  And you smell like a pig now. Yuck!" Hyunjin's sassy commented that made Jungkook smile turned into a smirk.

"You come here little devil." Jungkook walk towards Hyunjin, but the younger run away. "I'm not planning to go home dirty... Alone. C'mere. You're my baby, right?" He added mischievously and ran after the boy who's now running while screaming for Jungkook  mercy.

"They are so cute. I never thought that i would see this side of Mr. Grumpy Jungkook." Jimin commented with a fond smile on his face looking at the two cousins.

Taehyung's PoV

I never thought that I could laugh this hard because of that Jungkook, and it's all because of his little devil cousin which I found so attractive. 

It's been 22 hours since we arrived, and I couldn't stop looking at Jungkook's little cousin. From the time he talked to me about how he wants to execute his plan for Jungkook and Jin. I was supposed to feel mad and jealous, but I feel neither.

In fact, I felt so excited at the thought of him asking me out of all to help him. This feeling of wanting to be close to him. How could it turn out like this? Of all people?

'No, Taehyung. He's your rival's cousin. Don't you dare. It's too early to say that you took a liking to him. His cousin will probably dig for your grave.'

"Tae. Are you ok?" I almost drop the water bottle that I'm holding. Seokjin chuckled, he's so cute... But I didn't see him like before.... After I met HIM. "Tae! What's wrong with you? You're making me worried." He whined.

I smile, but the thrill isn't there anymore. "You're worried for me?" I teased.

"Of course. I called you multiple times, but it looks like your soul was out of this world." He exaggerated.

"Really? I didn't heard you." I replied confused.

"Because you were smiling like an idiot while staring at Hyunjinie." He said teasingly. I looked at him with wide eyes. 'am i that obvious?' . He giggles then his eyes widen. "He's coming."

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Tae hyungieeeeee!" I could feel the colors leave my face in that voice. "Hi, twinie." He said as he hugs Seokjin excitedly.

"Gosh, Hyunie. My clothes~" Seokjin almost wailed, but Hyunjin just laughed and smudged his muddy palm on Seokjin's once clean face. "Wahhhhh!"

"Someone needs to go home and clean~" He sing-song then giggles.

"Says who?" Seokjin said with a cute pout while looking at the boy up and down. Jungkook really did him dirty. His clothes, hands and face are covered with mud.

"Well, I kinda feel like being dirty today~" He replied then winked at me. 'Lord, help!'

"Fine!" Seokjin replied defeated, but wiggles his brows at me. 'What's wrong with this two?'  I groaned. "By the way, where's Kookie?" He asked worriedly.

That's when Hyunjin pout. "He suddenly got mad, and leave. I don't know where he goes." He looks so sad, but his eyes told me something else. "But maybe he's at your house now. Could you please find him for me?" What a pretty liar. Seokjin's face softened, and told Hyunjin to not worry about Jungkook. "Thank you twinie. Tell him I'm sorry if I did something wrong." He added with fake sniffles, then squeals as soon as Seokjin took his leave.

I looked at him in disbelief. "What was that for?" I asked sternly. "You pretty little liar." I added face palming. He looks at me then blink multiple times, like he couldn't believe I'm real. "What?" I tried to sound annoyed, but he is adorable right now. Looking at me like a kid waiting for something.

"Did you just say that I am pretty?" He asked with a smile.

I'm too stunned to speak, but I plays it cool. "Correction. Pretty little liar."

"But still... And, I'm not lying though. It was true that Kookie hyung got mad, but not with me... But technically it's my fault." He giggles.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"He did get jealous when he saw Jin hyung talking, and laughing with you. I saw it first, then made him look here... And that's it! Thank you for helping executing my plans." He explained with his multi-million worth smile.

But his smile suddenly faded, and it's bothering me. "What's wrong?"

"I want them to be together before I go back to LA. Kook hyung needs to come with me too for important matters." He replied sadly.

"Why? I mean, Jungkook needs to go... So what's the point? Seokjin will be left behind, and it'll only hurts him more."

"Still... I want them togethe-"

"It's not about what you want, Hyunjin. You have to consider what Seokjin would feel when they get together then Jungkook leaves." I defended.

"He'll come back for Jin hyung. I know!" He yelled.


"You're just jealous because you like Jinnie hyung, and you don't want him to be with my hyung. You think that I did not know that huh?" He stubbornly said.

"Yes... I like him be-"

"See! You selfish guy. You just want my twinnie for yourself. My poor Kook hyung." He dramatically said then walk away, but I held his wrist.

"Hyunjin. Listen to me fi-"

"No! I don't want to listen and talk to you anymore. I'll ask someone else to execute my plans." He tried to escape from my grasp, but I wouldn't let him.

"HYUNJIN!" I said sternly.

"I can't hear you~ nye nye nye~" He sing-song like a mantra while his hands are on his ears.

'If you don't want to listen, I'll make you stop talking.' I took a deep breath before pulling him on his waist and nape to kiss him on his lips.



Who do you think called taehyung?

Well, I'm back. I don't know if there's still reading this story, but I'm planning to finish this.♥️♥️ Anyway, the story got twisted... So we're having another Taejin moments, but not as Taehyung-Seokjin but as Taehyung-Hyunjin (HyunTae) specifically.

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