Chapter 8

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Rubylucero since you asked so nicely, here's the other update that you wish for.💜💜💜 enjoy.

Seokjin's POV

I'm feeling excited today, but i don't know why. Sir Jungkook dropped me earlier and i can't understand why he did that, but it's really makes me like I'm on cloud 9.

He's still rude and short tempered like the first time we've met. He keeps on nagging me and ordering me nonstop when it's time for me to work. Like my gosh, i think he don't want me to take a rest, but I'm not complaining. Of course i want to serve him, aside from being my boss. I also want to always see him and stick around him everytime.

He smells so good that made him irresistibly hot. He's so cool when he's singing. His voice is really captivating that i can almost feel my heart pulling out from my chest.

"Seokjinnie. I saw that your boyfriend dropped you off again." Jimin said smirking. He's with Yoongi hyung that also smirking at me.

I sigh. "Again. He's not my boyfriend." I corrected.

"He's so possessive over you." Yoongi hyung butt in.

"He's my boss. He just want to make sure that I'm really here in school." I explained. Well, that's what Sir Jungkook really told me.

"Oh my gosh. I think he has a daddy kink." Jimin squeal. "So possessive, and to think that he's your boss.... my God, Seokjin. That's so hot." He hug me tightly.

I push him gently, so he doesn't feel offended. "What's daddy kink? I told you, he's my boss not my daddy." I said confuse.

"My gosh, why does the DADDY word sounds innocent and sexy at the same time when you said it." Yoongi hyung said in disbelief.

"Huh? I'll only call my father 'daddy', but since we're poor I'm calling him 'Appa'." I scratch my head ni confusion.

Yoongi hyung roll his eyes, and look at Jimin. "Jimin, please. He's still innocent. Don't taint his innocence." He then ruffled my hair. "I have to leave. Don't let Jimin take away that innocence of yours, Jinnie." He kiss Jimin's lips.

"Eww." I said in disgust.

They both laugh at me, but Yoongi hyung leave after he kissed the top of my head.

"So, Jinnie. What song will you sing on our school festival?" He asked while walking with me.

"I still don't know, but i have this song in my mind. I think I'll start to practice later before i go home." I replied while biting my nails.

He hit my hand to stop me biting my nails. "I told you to stop biting your nails. You're not 7years old anymore."

"But it's my hobby." I whined not knowing that I'm lifting my hands again to bite my fingernails, but yelp when Jimin hit it again.

"I told you to stop, Jinnie. I'm warning you. I'll tell Aunt Sunny that you have a possessive boyfriend already." He smirk, and i gasp.

"That's not even true. He's just my boss. He will never like me, what more being my boyfriend." I sadly said.

"Tss, if i didn't know you. I'll think that he's your boyfriend with a daddy kink." He excitedly said. I look at him pouting.

"Seriously, what's daddy kink?" I ask intently looking at him waiting for an answer.

"Such a baby." He said. "Anyway, back to our topic earlier. Why not practice it when you're home."

I sigh again. "Well, i can't practice there. I have a lot of task to do for Sir Jungkook. After i finish all my assignments, I'll serve him. I don't have much enough time to practice since he often giving me errands." I explained.

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