Welcome to My Fears

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"Wait Miss (Y/N)! Hold on a second!" Killua yelled after me. Knowing there was not to much time to waste, I stopped and waited for Killua to catch up with me. Not a single desperate breath for air escaped his lips, so he caught up with little to no hassle, "Rethink this before enacting a stupid decision. Think about it. What does this 'Chrollo' guy have that my brother does not? Not like a care if you leave, but it would nice to have someone that is at least decent around here..." Killua looked down to the grass solemnly, a small sad expression on his pale features. He gripped his skateboard tightly, trying to contain unchecked emotions that ran rapid in his heart and mind. With little movement, I hugged Killua into a tight embrace. It was weird... I did not know him long, yet... I felt like he was my little brother. A similar feeling to Gon. I released my hold on the 12 year old and gave him a kind smile.

"My heart, Killua... Your brother does not have my heart. I know well enough that you have been in this empty looking house, but I am not going to stay for your brother's sake. Killua? One day, you will find someone truly worthy of being your friend. In fact, I know a boy that would love to be friends with you!" I cheered looking into his almost glossy eyes. He was surprised to say the least. Like he found a long, lost relative.

"R-Really? There is someone who would l-love to be my f...f-friend?!" His question was forced, yet faithful. Hopeful even. A little giggle escaped my lips as I covered my kimono sleeve over my mouth. Killua grew a fierce blush before looking down bashfully, "W-What is so funny, huh? Man, this is why I hate girls..."

"Nothing, nothing! It is just I never knew you were so eager to have friends. One day, I might introduce you to him, but that is after I get out of here." There was a long, empty moment of silence. My words reached Killua, but he was in the middle of processing. Moments later, he nodded and ran back to the tree we sat on before. I ran back to the large house and waited for Silva's free time. He would get angry if was interrupted, so I waited until someone came out of his dank, dark office. He was a plump man, with a receding hair line and yellow teeth. He just walked past, which gave me time to slip in.

"Oh! (Y/N)! It is nice to see you. I hope your betrothed is treating you well." Silva smiled. From instinct, I knew that smile was fake and lifeless. Merely a ruse for me to fall for, but I was not having it. I sat down on the cushion and looked Silva in the eyes. He readjusted himself, knowing full well whatever I was going to say would be serious.

"Silva Zoldyck," I told, "I refuse to be wed off to your eldest son!"

"Why is that?" Silva questioned, raising an eyebrow in question. I gulped some nervous saliva down my parched throat.

"Chrollo." My statement popped out slowly, as I looked down at my white knuckles. I looked up to meet Silva's intimidating eyes, "Chrollo is waiting for me and I... I..."

"You love him?" Silva finished, crossing his arm over the other. After a long moment of silence, he got up and started to walk in circles around where I sat, "You know... I did not love my wife either when we got married, but her battle prowess was so intense that I just fell for it and accepted it as it was; However, you and Illumi do not seem to be that way. Why is that? Is it really love? Or is it your final struggle for power and dominance?" He stopped in front of me and looked at me dead in the eyes. His eyes were cold. Lifeless even! I sat straight and did not hide from his gaze.

"I love Cho. I have always loved him, even if I did not know it. From the time I was young, he was there, right by my side. Listen Zoldyck! No more games! I would kill Illumi if I married him. And I do not feel like having blood on my hands, especially from a Zoldyck." I declared, sitting up from my seat and facing Silva with a serious expression. If I had to marry Illumi, I probably would not have killed him, but I would want to perish in Hell.

One Desire; Chrollo Lucilfer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now