Welcome to My Plan (Pt. 2)

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"Ready yourself (Y/N). We have arrived." Chrollo calmly stated as the limousine parked in front of the Gala. Unlike the nights prior, the Gala was decorated with greater banners and brighter accents and such. Both Chrollo and I looked at the decorated building for a long while. Beautiful women and rich men made there way in the building holding their boas and canes. I didn't know any of these rich folk, which was no surprise. Why would I know any of these people? Even if I knew them, they wouldn't know who I am anyhow. As I was lost in thought, Chrollo gently grabbed my hand with his and held it like my hand was made of the finest porcelain. "Don't worry (Y/N). You'll do just fine in there, as long as you know the plan." A blush swept over my cheeks as I looked him in the eyes. Those deep grey eyes pulled me in without any permission what so ever. I thought that those eyes were the most beautiful I had ever seen in my entire existence. His soul. What did it hold? What secrets have it kept? Chrollo snapped his fingers in my face before I nodded, signalling that I was ready. Chrollo lead me out of the long car and never let the cold air touch my smaller hand. As we walked in, I noticed all the dancers moving their bodies to the liking of the music. Many women were in dresses similar to mine, but I felt myself becoming self-conscious. I glanced at Chrollo to discover that he himself was glancing at me as well. He nodded, before I did the same and walked off to find the mayor of Yorknew City. As I walked around the small crowds of people, I noticed a lot of men looking at my figure. These men were the young, unmarried, rich men. Not all them were un-attractive though, but they were all hideous on the inside and had no respect for women at all; Nevertheless, I walked up to the group of men in high hopes of tempting them.

"W-Would you boys know where the mayor is at?" I cooed when I was close enough to them.

"Well beautiful~ There are a lot of mayors from all over here tonight, so we don't rightly know. You can hang out with us until we see him though~" All the men stared down at me like I was some sort of prey. In terms that I wanted them to believe, yes. In actuality however, no.

"Oh no certainly not! I must find the mayor as soon as possible. Please~ will you help me find him sweethearts. I'll do anything in return~" I begged softly, giving a big pout and making sure to show cleavage. All the men's eyes popped out of their sockets as they looked at me. Lust spilled into their eyes and heart quicker then high winds in the north.

"O-Of course! W-We are at your service!" They said simultaneously, before they sped off in different directions. I decided to look at the dancers as I waited for one of the men to return with the main key in this heist. As I looked out to the sea of men and women dancing, someone tapped my shoulder. I turned my head to see an older man that wasn't the skinniest. Right then and there I knew, it was the mayor of the city!

"Hello beautiful~ Enjoying the Gala so far?" He asked, waiting for my answer.

"Yes, but I am quite bored. Would you mind and entertaining me~ A L O N E~" I asked, hoping he would take the bait.

"Of course dear~ Come with me to bed will you?" He questioned with a perverted smile drawn on his face.

"Yes, but let me go to... powder my nose." I asked.

"Of course. I will wait right here for you." As he finished his sentence, I walked off to kind Chrollo. Since the Gala wasn't to crowded, I found him and cuddled up against him to throw of anything in the air.

"I found him. We are now at stage two of this Gala." I whispered softly in his ear. Chrollo nodded and sent me off with an unnoticeable ear bud. I put it in and followed the mayor to his bed chambers. On the way there, he talked about politics and his schemes. I heard of people like this before ruining everybody's lives. Corrupt politicians. They were everywhere I ever went in my entire life. Even the most kindest people could turn to a corrupted political mess. It's just the way of the human race. When we made to the bed chamber, I started to become wary. Believe to or not, I was a virgin and I never even came close to having any sort of inappropriate content. I would never do such a thing! Well... Only if I find the right person of course, "Before we... get down to business... I want to see the diamond." I cooed slowly.

One Desire; Chrollo Lucilfer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now