Welcome to My Guilt

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The next morning, my body didn't want to move from the warm covers of the bed. My body was engulfed with this warm feeling, that made me want to sleep forever. After 10 minutes of fading in and out of sleep, I brought myself up into a sitting position before standing up to get ready for the day. After I brushed my hair and teeth, I put on a satin blouse and some shorts. In quick haste, I walked out of the building to explore the city of Kakin. It was a warm, sunny day as I took various pictures of all the sights I could find. As I walked, I came across a city square, where a large group of people stood and watched something. I held up my camera in determination and started to squeeze my way into the crowd. Once I found an opening, I made my way to the front of the crowd to see a rock-paper-scissors, or also known as janken in some countries; Anyhow, a man with black hair and grey eyes was in a match with a burly man that face was about to explode in anger.

"Rock... Paper... Scissors... Shoot!" Both men yelled, before they showcased their hands. The burly man's choice was paper, but the skinnier man's choice beat his paper with scissors. The muscular participant stomped out of the crowd while the other smirked at his own success.

"Alright! Who wants to challenge me next for 200 thousand jenny?!" The man yelled, as the crowd of people started to look around for a brave soul, "Oh, come one! There has to be someone who wants to beat the one and only Leorio Paradinight?! It only costs 100 jenny to play one round with me!" Leorio advertised. I got what he was doing and decided to give it a try.

"I'll be your next money grab!" I cheered, as I walked up to the taller man. Leorio looked down at my shorter figure, before blood started to drip down his nose onto the sidewalk. I took a step away in disgust and looked him in the eye. He rubbed the red crimson from his nose and smiled at me.

"You sure Miss? I'll take everything you have on you." Leorio mocked. From what I could tell, he was a nice man with good intentions. In short words, he wouldn't wouldn't try to make a woman uncomfortable. Leorio seemed like a good man only with good intentions. Nothing more, nothing less. Once more, I didn't blame him for him have a bloody nose. It happened more, then I thought it did.

"I'm positive... in fact..." I assured, before digging through one of my bags. Finding what I wanted, I pulled out a large pouch of both jenny and gold. Leorio's eyes went wide at the sight of the money, "Here is all the money I have. Let's bet on it, yeah, but only one round. I'm not too fond of gambling, especially rock-paper-scissors, so we'll keep it short okay?" Leorio merely nodded at my request. It was dead silent for a moment, before we put our hands in the air.

"Rock-paper-scissors... Shoot!"






"I win!" I cheered, as I jumped up and down with excitement. Leorio's jaw dropped in defeat, as he lowered his head in shame, "Okay! As for the spoils... Hey?! Who lost to Leorio?! If you did, then get what you lost!!" I screamed, trying to get everyone's attention. People came up slowly to get their money, before I looked over to Leorio, "Hey! Leorio?! Want to help me out? I don't want anyone taking more than they spent!" I smiled, as Leorio's eyes widened. After everyone's money was sorted out, everyone left the area and left me alone with Leorio.

"I wasn't expecting you to do something like that." Leorio sighed, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"It would have been terrible for me to win all of it. I would never forgive myself." I explained, before looking at him. His expression held a surprised look to it, "Oh which reminds me! Here." I held out the same bag of money to Leorio, from before. He stared at the money, then back at me.

"Why are you giving me that? You won the wager." Leorio queried, as he looked me in the eyes.

"You know why I don't like gambling? Simply because, I hate taking from good people. I see good in you Leorio and I hope that lasts for a life time. You know... From what I know about you... I think you would be an amazing doctor." Before I gave him any room to speak, I looked at my watch and felt an urge of unease, "Shit!! I have to be at a reservation in 5 minutes! Bye Leorio! See you around!" I yelled, as I ran off into more crowds of people. As I ran through many streets, I bumped into someone at a corner. Both me and them fell on the ground, "Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I apologized quickly, as I bowed at a 90 degree angle. As I looked up, I saw a boy around the age of 15, with blond hair and traditional robes. Something looked familiar about him, but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"It's alright. It was my fault too. Would you mind if I helped you up?" The blond boy asked. With a bright smile, I took his hand and was immediately brought to my feet.

"Thanks for helping me up! What's your name?" I asked, as I brushed of the few specks of dirt on my clothes.

"My name is Kurapika. What's yours?" Kurapika inquired with his own smile. You wouldn't have admitted it, but his smile was nice and warm.

"(Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you." I answered softly. He nodded in satisfaction and started to walk away, but I grabbed his sleeve before he could get any further, "Oh, wait a moment! Um... do you know where Garden Le Luna is? I'm kind of lost." I beamed, as I brought my hand to the back of my head. After a moment or two, he started to laugh hysterically. A little blush spread on my feature out of pure embarrassment.  

"It's right there." He pointed to a building across the street. Checking my watch again, I noticed  my reservation was in a minute. I panicked and bowed again to the stranger.

"Sorry for bothering you, but I have a reservation in like 40 seconds, so I leave you be." I apologized, before I ran to the road crossing. Without noticing, Kurapika followed me into the restaurant, "Wait? What are you doing here?!"

"I have reservation here tonight as well. What a coincidence?!" He laughed, as I stood there dumbfounded. I wondered, how this day can get anymore embarrassing? Kurapika and I were seated vertical to each other, which we both laughed off. Kurapika asked to sit with me during dinner and I accept wholeheartedly, before he sat across from me.

"So Kurapika? Tell me about yourself. How old are you? Where are you from? Hopes and dreams?" I asked, with a grinning expression; However, Kurapika's expression dropped into a serious one. I wouldn't have admitted it, but the expression scared the absolute shit out of me. I had guessed that this kid came from a troubled past, but how bad was this childhood.

"I will tell you my story, but only once so listen up." Kurapika spoke quietly. I nodded in agreement, before I started to listen, "I'm the last surviving member of the Kurta Clan. Ever heard of it?" He looked up at my horrified expression. I knew those robes looked familiar! When I was a hitman, I often saw the Kurta's magnificent eyes. They were a beautiful red, but I knew those eyes only meant tears and pain. Every time I saw those eyes, I felt tears brim in my eyes, "I guessing you have. Anyway, I was raised in the deep woods. I had a father, a mother, and a best friend. Everything was wonderful, until those damn Spiders took them away from me!" He raised his voice at the mention of the Spiders. 'Spiders?' I thought, as sweat started to run down my neck, I suppressed the urge to hold onto my tattooed shoulder blade, "My dream is to find them and make sure none of them breath again! They will pay for my clan! Every last one of them!" I felt uncomfortable and guilty. The very group I joined to help people, killed off an entire clan.

"I-I'm sorry Kurapika. I didn't know. I shouldn't have asked." I mumbled, as tears threatened to fall from eyes. Once the check was paid for, I thanked Kurapika for the company. When I was back at the hotel, I collapsed on my bed. Tears started falling from my eyes. I decided to take a quick shower before I went to bed. When I stripped off my clothes, I looked at the the spider tattoo on my shoulder. I knew I wasn't there from the massacre, but I felt like I killed them all. All of Kurapika's family and friends. Their old blood metaphorically stained my hands. More tear started to fall from my eyes, before I jumped in the shower. After 20 minutes, I exited my bathroom and put on the thickest sweater I had and jumped into the bed. I wasn't angry at anyone however... Sadness was the only thing I could feel. I went to bed in tears, hoping that Kurapika and Chrollo would never meet.

One Desire; Chrollo Lucilfer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now