Welcome to My Betrothed (Pt. 1)

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"Chrollo? If I may ask, where the Hell are you taking me?" I asked, impatiently; However, Chrollo continued to drive to where he was taking me. The sun started to set, while large shadows started to form every which way. Chrollo and I had been driving up and down mountains for about two hours. Though the sights were gorgeous and high-lighted the beauty of nature, I didn't know where Chrollo was taking me and I didn't want to know.

"I'm taking you to your next and final mission." Chrollo deadpanned, still focusing on the road. Fear and surprise made it's way into the dark reaches of my mind. Only negative thoughts circled around my head, as I wondered, 'Am I being fired? Am I going to die?!' Everything started to blur as tear made their way down my paled cheeks. 

"I-Is there a-a reason w-why?" I queried, as more tears started to fall from my (E/C) eyes. The car suddenly stopped with quick haste. Chrollo turned to look me in the eyes, but didn't dare say anything. There was a large, heavy moment of silence that sat on both Chrollo and my shoulders. Chrollo focused on the road again, before continuing to drive.

"You'll see when we get there. I-It's complicated... If you pass an exam, then you are relinquished from the Phantom Troupe, but if you fail, then you will continue to wear that tattoo with pride. I can't tell you anything until we get there. So, please trust me for the time being. And please... don't hate me." Chrollo made me worry at his last statement. From the clues he gave me, I guessed it was a final initiation to become a Spider. But sorely was I mistaken... After a couple more minutes of silence, Chrollo parked the car in front of a large, rock doors. This door was carefully decorated from bottom to top. The number of doors were 7 and each looked heavier then the last. I turned to Chrollo once more, before he spoke, "Welcome to Kukuroo Mountain (Y/N). This is the test. Simple thing really. All you have to do is get threw the door."

"Why do I have to do that?! You said yourself that if I pass, I will no longer be in the Phantom Troupe, right? What makes you think I won't try to pass, so I can stay in the Troupe?" I inquired, as I looked back at Chrollo. He looked from the door before looking at me with a solemn expression.

"Please try not to fail on purpose (Y/N). This important for both you and me. As much as I didn't want you to do this, you have no choice until you open that door." Chrollo explained, as he slowly walked up to me with little to no emotion, "This is an opportunity. A big one at that, so please try. I'm begging you."

"An opportunity to open tons of doors made of rocks? Whatever you say, Chief." I shrugged, before walking up to the door and looking it up and down. 'The first door is, at least, 5 tons. What's the point of all this shit anyway?! Something about this doesn't seem right to me, but what is it?' I pondered, before looking back at the black-haired thief. A heavy sigh escaped my closed lips before reaching the door. With one, swift breath, I put my calloused hands on the door and started to push. 'Crap this door is fucking heavy! No matter though... I just use a little nen to help myself out a bit.' Not thinking any further, I sent a small charge to my palms and fingertips. One door after another, I opened it slowly. The first door. The second. Then the third. The fourth. A second later, the fifth door opened. The sixth door was about  to open, but slowly shut close. Without much hassle, I held open the door for Chrollo to walk threw. Once both of us were in, I noticed a jungle like garden. Everything was over grown and un-pruned. After a moment, I heard a soft growl from the trees and large bushes; However, before I could investigate, an older man with black hair and a blood red broach walked up to Chrollo and I.

"Chrollo Lucilfer? I this the girl we discussed?" The middle-aged man asked. Chrollo nodded, before crossing his arms in distaste. The man looked at me once more, before smiling warmly, "You must be (Y/N) (L/N), am I right?" He asked, once more, before I nodded slowly, "Well then... We shall head toward the main house then." He said, before he started to walk. Confusion swept over my senses, before I looked over at Chrollo. His expression was one of monotone. Not a single emotion was drawn on his face, but nervousness was laced into his movements. Nevertheless, Chrollo and I followed behind the man. After 20 minutes, we were lead to a large estate. Once lead inside, the butler man continued to lead us to a large meeting room, "Sit here, until my master and his family have come. I will be outside the door if you need me." Once the door clicked shut, I looked at Chrollo.

"So?" I questioned, "Are you going to tell me something important, or are you going to keep that to yourself?" I seethed, as I grind my teeth.

"(Y/N)! This is no time for an attitude. You'll see why we are here. Just be patient!" Chrollo retorted, with annoyance laced in his tone. I was set aback, and looked down at my hands. Everything grew uncomfortable and absolutely silent. Nothing was said. Not a single sound was muttered. I closed my eyes in thought, until someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see a buff silver-haired man, with a robot lady. A small gasp escaped my lips before I slammed a hand across them to shut up.

"So you were able to open 5 of the 7 doors, when you entered our property? Am I correct?" The buff man asked. I nodded in confirmation, as I eyed him. After a moment, a hearty laugh filled the silent void of the room, "(Y/N) (L/N), right?! Sorry for my laughing fit! I'm just surprised a hitman like yourself is strong enough to open the door with such little nen ability. I knew I chose right darling!"

"Um... If I may ask sir? Who are you? And, what do you mean, 'you chose right?'" I queried, in a confused state. The room was filled with even more laughter, as he held his stomach from laughing so much. The robot lady started to laugh too, which confused me even more. When the laughter receded once more, the man looked at me with a creepy smile.

"Chrollo didn't tell you about me right? My name is Silva Zoldyck, the leader and head of the Zoldyck family." Silva spoke loudly. A twinge of guilt and regret washed over my very being when I heard that name. 'Zoldyck? Like the notorious family of top rank assassins, that no one can stop? No way! This can't be them! But... They seem legit... Shit! What the Hell do I do?!' I mentally panicked, 'Wait... Why the Hell would the Zoldycks want to see me?' I asked myself before Silva spoke again, "Would you like something (Y/N)? Coffee? Tea? You're looking quite pale, so do you need some medicine? Medical attention, maybe?"

"Answers would be nice." I answered, as I braided my eyebrows together. Silva smiled at me once more before looking down.

"Easy. I heard of you are considered the Temptress of the Rubble. Meaning, you had come from a pile of rubble like Meteor City, and became a woman who can woe any man. Is this correct? I was curious on your abilities, so I went to your old agency to find you; However, your old boss told me you left for the Phantom Troupe. I got in touch with Chrollo and had him arrange a meeting with you." Silva explained, looking at me the whole time.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything, but you still didn't answer my question." I told, annoyance laced into my tone. Silva smirked and started to laugh again.

"A feisty woman, huh? A perfect fit for a wife." Silva commented.

"Wait... wife?" I asked, standing up abruptly. Silva snapped his fingers in the air, before a side door opened slowly. A man around my age stepped through and looked at me. His long black hair gracefully moved as he walked, occasionally touching his needle-pierced clothes. His dark eyes had no sign of pupils as he stare at me. No expression was to be found on his pale features.

"This is my eldest son, Illumi Zoldyck. He is to be your husband." Silva spoke.








'F U C K !'

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