Welcome to My Future

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Waking up with a start, I ripped off the moved and creased sheets. My husband usually woke up early in the morning to get some business manners out of the way. As a result, I was alone in the room. A part of me minded the loneliness, but eventually I got used to it. In fact, part of me was happy he wasn't there to witness my little scheme. I lightly ran to the bathroom and slammed the door shut. The room I was once in was quiet and almost chilling, but I wasn't focused on the room I fall asleep in every night. I had more pressing matters at the moment. After a couple minutes, I tucked my desired item into a bundle of white fabric. I grabbed my elegant robe, before lovingly tying it around my upper waist. My hands rested on my stomach as I smiled affectionately. 'Hopefully, it worked this time.' I thought before walking out of the luxurious room. As I strut down the long, intricate hallway Machi greeted me with a small wave of the hand.

"Did you pull it off?" She queried, staring at the white cloth in my hands.

"I don't know..." I muttered nervously, hoping that this was a time. Machi gave me a friendly smile, before lightly patting my shoulder in reassurance. This didn't calm my nerves however, "I mean, I don't mind doing it with Cho, but we've been trying for months! Nevertheless, I still have hope that we did it this time." I smiled, as Machi mirrored the action. She walked me down the hallway.

"Why do you want a baby so bad anyway? I always imagined Chrollo and you being that couple who doesn't have any children." Machi asked, as her pink hair swished behind her figure, "I don't mean any offense of course, but I never imagined any one of the Spiders to get married; Nevertheless have a baby. Besides, aren't babies hard to take care of?"

"Obviously Machi! They're babies!! At one point, we were of that age. I don't care how difficult it may be, because I want to have a little baby with Cho. It would mean the entire world to me. Honestly, if you ask Cho the same question, he'll most likely say the same thing." I spoke, holding the wrapped pregnancy test even tighter.

"Machi has a point, you know?! I don't want little crying bitches running around!!" A sudden deep voice yelled, before I snapped my head around to the speaker. Uvogin walked up from behind me and Machi and gave me a fake disgusted look. I snarled back at him, only making his point.

"Well that doesn't matter, because there is already a little crying bitch behind me."

A stifled laugh came from Machi's end as Uvogin's annoyance erupted; However, he didn't dare say anything back to me. He knew that I would always throw back the insult, so why continue in a useless cycle. "I believe that was your best one yet, (Y/N)!" A upbeat voice rang. From a door to the side of the hallway, Shalnark walked toward me with a large smile, "So, did you do it?"

"I don't know. I want to look at the results with Cho. So it'll be a surprise for the both of us." I smiled, as the group escorted me down the never ending hallway.

"What are you thinking of naming them?" Shalnark asked, walking to the left of me, "I hope you don't name them something stupid like Uvogin if their a boy. On that note, I would be most honored if you named the boy after me, if it is such a gender." Shalnark had always been blunt. No matter how many times I tried to get him to be less so, he would never waver. So I adapted to it.

"Give the Boss's wife some air, Shalnark. We don't even know if she's pregnant yet." A familiar blond haired woman spoke sternly, giving me a warm smile.

"Thanks Pakunoda." I greeted, "Okay, for real. Are you all going to meet me before I give the news to Cho? It's not like I mind or anything, but I'm just curious." They all looked at one another, thinking the same thing. The silence echoed through the hallways before two others joined the party. A larger built male and a small, plain looking female, "Good morning Franklin! Good morning Shizuku! I hope you are both doing well."

"We are doing fine." Shizuku answered briefly, before her and Frankenstein trailed behind the rest of the group.

"Shizuku, you have a really pretty name. What does it mean, if I may ask of course." Shizuku stared at me blankly before speaking.

"I believe it means droplet. Similar to rain drops. Is that what you were asking?" I nodded in response, "Are you thinking of baby names, even though you are unsure of fertilization?" With a sudden chop on the head, Nobunaga came from behind her.

"Don't mind her. You know she doesn't really get this sort of thing." The samurai stated, arranging himself to be behind me. I grinned at him happily.

"I know, thanks anyway Nobunaga." After expressing my gratitude, I wondered about the other members of the Spiders. I liked the name Shizuku, but what about the other member's names, "Hey Nobunaga? What about your name? It's traditional, is it not?" 

"His name certainly won't do, sweetheart~" Rolling my eyes, I turned my head to look at Hisoka, the perverted ass clown that almost killed me that one time, "Why don't you use my name?"

"Hisoka, the only thing that is going to be named after you is your tombstone." Hisoka faked a pout, before I rolled my eyes again to look in front of me. We were almost at Chrollo's office. After recent events, Chrollo decided that buying a mansion would be best for me and a future child. The money came from a bank vault we blew up on our honeymoon. On my side of the mansion was our shared bedroom. The other members were strewn about the place, while Chrollo's office was on the other side of the fairly large building. I believe he liked the long walk, so he could read to and from the rooms.

"Hey (Y/N)! How's it going? Did you do the deed yet?" A certain tracksuit wearing blond asked, as a shorter emo male followed behind him.

"I don't know. I want to be just as surprised as Chrollo, so I haven't looked at it yet." I felt a feminine hand being placed on my shoulder. Looking over, I saw Pakunoda using her Nen ability. 

"It's true. She doesn't know anything." Giving her a well earned pout, the entirety of the current Phantom Troupe continued to escort me down the hallway. I guessed that Kortopi and Ndongo were with my husband. Once at the study, I bid the rest of the Phantom Troupe goodbye, before walking into the dark space.

"I know you like reading in the dark, but you're going to be as blind as a bat if you keep it up at this rate." My dearly beloved lifted his gaze from his leather-bound book, and sent me a beautiful smile. The same one I fell in love with. Chrollo stood from his desk chair and gave me a quick peck on the lips. Placing his large hand on my waist, he lead me to the conservatory, which was the room off to the side. The room was bright and filled to the brim with plant life. Everything seemed so beautiful, yet the most attractive thing in the room was him.

"How is my wife on this lovely morning? I do hope you are well my dear." Chrollo cooed, holding me closure to his muscular frame.

"Actually, I'm doing rather well. I... um... brought the pregnancy test. I haven't looked at it, so we could look at it together. Shall we, Cho?" Chrollo smiled at me softly, as I returned the expression. Slowly unwrapping the swaddled test, I felt goosebumps start to form across my skin; However, Chrollo almost immediately comforted me. With a quick swish, I tore the fabric away only to gasp at the results. There were two lines, "We did it Cho! We're going to have a baby of our own!!" Chrollo softly put his pale, chapped lips on mine. My heart was swelling immensely, but I didn't mind. This was an amazing feeling.

"We are going to have a baby." Chrollo breathed happily, holding me tighter, "I love you, (Y/N), and I promise that I will protect you and our baby for as long as I live."

"I love you too, Cho..."

Thank you for 100k! This has been such an amazing experience writing this fanfiction!! I didn't think the reads would go this far so thank you for your support!!! If you guys want a Q&A than you have to tell me. I published this book over two years ago, and it has done so well. And I truly can't say it enough. I love all my readers and thank you for motivating me to write this book. As always folks, Happy Reading!!!

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