Welcome to My Dilemmas

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It had been a few days since the heist with Machi and honestly, I wasn't doing to good. The night of the heist, Machi and I went into the meeting room to see everyone back already. All the other Spiders looked at us, but didn't mutter a word. Feitan walked up to us both, and gave a disappointed glare.

"Well Machi, you are later then usual. What was the reason for that?" Feitan asked, with a disgusted scowl. Everyone in the room was looking at the both of us, even Chrollo. Machi was about to say something before I merged myself into the conversation.

"It was my fault. Since the owner of the houses we robbed tonight was in the house we were supposed to rob, we... had to take our time. Lucky for you though, we stole everything; Even his ability to tell the police or some bounty hunters." I answered, "My plan took longer then I intended and I am sorry. I weighed Machi down."

"So (Y/N)~ What was this plan of your exactly?" Hisoka asked looking at my every movement. I slowly took of my trench coat and opened it up to show the slutty dress. Literally, all the guys cheeks turned a light pink except for Chrollo's, however I couldn't tell due to the lighting. 

"W-Well o-okay... um... w-where is a-all the stolen g-goods then? W-Where's all the p-p-profit?" Feitan stammered, hoping to catch me off guard. I snapped my fingers for my motorcycle come forward and release all the goods from it tank. My Baby did so, and all the Spider's eyes popped out of their heads. Chrollo stood up and made his way over to Machi and I's work. He looked in one of the bags and saw gold, jewels, and other expensive items that not a lot of people had. Chrollo closed the bag and walked over to Machi and I.

"Great job girls. You both successfully stole everything from the very house he was residing in. So your little lie was your idea (Y/N)?" Chrollo asked, as he looked at me.

"Yes.  A man's heart is always hungry for an eager woman. As long as a man loves a woman, she can manipulate and use him to her advantage." I answered in context to why my ruse worked so well, "However, seducing takes time so I apologize."

"It alright. You and Machi were still on time." Chrollo stated before looking through everyone lout. Somehow, this was really fun! Even though you stole a man's entire collection of belongings, it still entertained you. It was the same, when you did it yourself, but now it was just exhilarating! Having friends I mean... Now what was I not doing good about? I had new friends, a new home, and I got to do one of the things I like; Nevertheless, there was a problem. My employer was the problem at hand. When I first became a hitman, Angus Kohler made me sign a contract stating that I will not go into any mafias, gangs, or anything of that nature. If I did so, so would send as many hitman as possible to kill me in cold blood. If it came to any drastic measures, he told me, he would hire the Zoldycks to kill me. I broke the one taboo he told me not to break. I wasn't scared about the other hitman, I was worried about the Zoldycks. Like Chrollo Lucilfer, anyone who is anyone knows who they are. I still had three months before he would send a hitman after me at most, so I had to train for this fight. Chrollo gave word that he will tell us all the next heist once it's ready and planned out (Machi explained that it would be a month at least until the next heist.) I used this time to work on my flexibility and air attacks. I could have went back to my apartment, but I decided against it due to Angus Kohler. As I punched my boxing bag, I got angrier at myself for the very symbol on my back. What am I supposed to do?! I couldn't just go to the agency and say the mission was a success. It had been to long. I punched harder. Harder. Harder, until my knuckles bleed painfully. Without noticing it, Chrollo was right next me and scared the living Hell out of my system. Out of surprise, I threw a punch toward him, but he caught it before it landed on his face. I took my fist back and looked to the ground.

"What are you doing here Chrollo? I thought you were supposed to skulking somewhere else while thinking of the next heist." I asked, as I punched my boxing bag. Chrollo sat on a pile of rubble before saying anything.

"Well, I can say the same thing about you. You can be with your family right now, but you aren't. Why is that?" Chrollo answered with a question.

"Hey answer my question first Chief. Even though you are the boss, doesn't mean I have to answer your question first." I answered after I stopped punching the boxing bag. I looked calmly at Chrollo as he looked at his pale, calloused hands. Chrollo looked up at me with his usual expression before he spoke.

"Believe it or not. It's a little to dangerous for me to walk alone in public." He answered.

"Don't you have a family Chrollo? Why don't you see them?" I questioned as I held my punching bag.

"I fear that I have nothing to go back to except for their graves." Chrollo smiled at his feet. I involuntarily hitched my breath in my throat.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know..." I stuttered as I looked down at my feet hoping he would take the apology.

"It's quite alright (Y/N). Now, answer my question now. Why are you still here? You mentioned a family didn't you?" Chrollo imposed, as he looked at my tired and upset expression.

"I... am going to be... hunted down soon by my employer..." I stated slowly, before going back to punching the sand filled bag, "It has been part of my contract. There is nothing I can do about it I fear."

"Your employer? You mean Angus Kohler?" Chrollo asked, obviously knowing who he was.

"Yeah. That's him all right. Do you know him Chief?" I questioned as I looked back at him.

"Actually yes. I worked for him when I was younger, before I formed the Phantom Troupe. What an interesting man he is." Chrollo spoke before looking at me once again, "Do you want to get rid of him? Or keep him alive?" I stared bewildered at Chrollo for second before sitting next to him on the pile of rubble.

"Even if he killed children, I can't bring myself to kill him. I would become the very thing that I hate the most-" I began before I got interrupted.

"Would you say that if he was the one who killed your father?" Chrollo questioned in a serious tone. Right then, I knew who killed my father. A single tear ran down my cheek as a stared wide eyed at Chrollo. "(Y/N)... Angus Kohler wanted a hitman that was completely under him. He killed your father in an abandoned building, in Yorknew City. Before you rush out that very door to find him, he only did it because he was hired. That person, I don't know. Now, this is an order (Y/N)," Chrollo ordered, "I want you to give this letter to Angus. The letter states that you are to be put in my control. Not complete, just control. Don't lay a hand on him, just come back here. You'll be off the hook then." Begrudgingly, I did as Chrollo said and gave him the letter. Angus murmured it to himself. My old employer looked up at me to ask me how I got into the Phantom Troupe. I told him that I was chosen by him under bizarre circumstances. He put em of his chain and I made my way back to Chrollo. When I came back, Chrollo was by the door waiting for my return.

"You didn't have to wait for me you know?" I assured him. Chrollo looked up at me and walked me into the meeting room.

"So, are you going to take a break with your family?" Chrollo questioned.

"No... I don't have the heart right now..." I answered softly, not wanting to see them anymore. They depended on me, but I didn't want to start a barrage of questions. Chrollo lifted my chin and looked me in the eyes.

"Then how about you help me on a heist. You and me. How would you like that?" Chrollo asked, with an obvious smirk.

"Um... It depends... What are we going to steal? And what are we going to do?" I queried softly, with a soft, pink blush painted lightly on my features.

"Do you remember that diamond in Yorknew City that you were supposed to make sure wasn't stolen?" Chrollo pushed.

"Yeah?" I replied shyly.

"What if we stole it?" 





'Oh dear'

One Desire; Chrollo Lucilfer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now