Welcome to My Paradise

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...These feelings have been in my heart before. But where was my ray of hope?...


My eyes opened slowly, as if my dream was hard for my brain to handle. Once my eyes were completely opened, I looked around to find myself in my room. Well, my room back at the abandoned building. Why was my body in pain? Where was Chrollo? I quickly sat up straight and was about to rip off my sheets and quilts, before a major headache shot my head like a burning arrow. As I gripped my head making sure it wouldn't fall apart, Chrollo walked in with some tea. He sat on my left and poured the boiling water into a large mug. He let it steep before giving it to my thirsty mouth. Each gulp was loud yet short.

"Amazing. Who knew you could be so thirsty (Y/N)? Tell me, are you feeling better?" Chrollo asked calmly, as he gave me a small smile. A pink hue was painted ever so lightly on my cheeks as I looked at his little, dashing smile.

"Thank you for worrying. I'm okay now. I don't know what happened to me at all! I really appreciate everything you have done for me so far." I answered softly as I smiled back at Chrollo. However, Chrollo's smile vanished almost as quick as it came. It was almost like it was never there. 

"Good. What did happen? Did you get another vision?" He questioned, as he folded his hands together and looked into my eyes. I looked away for minute, think of what to say, before I turned back to him.

"Yeah... I got a vision alright, though... it was a weird one for sure. I... was pushed in a pit, helplessly trying to get out of the hole, but I couldn't I had my teddy bear with me and I didn't want to get it dirty... It was a boy who pushed me in there... His name was Wamuu, who was one of my arch nemesis at that age. He apologized for doing what his friends told him to do Wamuu, Esidisi, and Kars left me in that deeper pit to cry in... and then someone asked if I..." There was a moment of silence. In one hand I wanted to talk to Chrollo, but in another he told me not to cry or show weakness. I slowly opened my mouth to speak , but quickly closed it, rethinking my situation and words, "Somebody asked me... if I was okay after that. Unfortunately that was everything."

"(Y/N), I want to show you something. Will you follow if I lead you?" Chrollo asked, suddenly standing up and offering his hand to me. Confusion was an obvious emotion on my face and mind, but I took his hand anyway and told him that I will meet him outside my door when I am ready. Chrollo understood and walked out of the room. I stood up and got into something more comfortable. Before I even knew it, I was on the floor feeling an ache run threw my entire body; Nevertheless, I got to my feet and went out the door to see Chrollo waiting patiently. We left without another word. As I walked, my legs started getting numb so I held the closest object in my reach, which was Chrollo. He looked at me in concern for my health, but I smiled and said that I had weak legs from time to time. Chrollo sighed at my answer and placed my hand in his own. Another hot blush spread and stuck to my face as we walked to where ever he wanted to take me to. Last night, we successfully stole the diamond. I wonder if the mayor had noticed. If so, then who was his first suspect? As Chrollo walked me along, we reached the inner sector of Meteor City; The place where I would play as a child. Children would still play there for hours and when I got old enough, I went here to supervise and play with them. The little boy that I bid farewell to so long ago, looked at me and ran toward my direction.

"(Y/N)?!" He yelled, as trampled over me. It was supposed to be a hug, but the impact was so hard, that my weak legs couldn't handle it. I fell and took him with me, "I missed you so much!! Where were you?! You promised to play with me when you got back!" He pouted softly.

"Sorry Drake, I just got... held up in a lot. That's all." Threw mid-sentence, Drake looked up at Chrollo's intense gaze.

"So are you and him getting married?" Drake asked. Nothing. I repeat, absolutely nothing was more awkward than this moment. A huge crimson blush engulfed my face, as I looked startled at the little boy. He looked at me, then at Chrollo, then back at me. Chrollo expression was absolutely priceless! His eyes were wide, but the rest of his expression was blank. A small blush painted his cheeks however. After a moment, Drake thought we were engaged, "Oh my goodness (Y/N)! You are getting married to such a handsome man. Sure he is scary, but female or gay citizen would be jealous! Are you already married?! Are you pregnant?! Do you have a big house that I can stay in?! Can I be your best maiden if you and he aren't married?!"

"T-To many questions Drake! W-W-We aren't m-married or e-engaged. T-This is C-Chrollo; My new b-boss." I explained, as I got off the ground and brushed off the dirt from my clothes.

"But you two were holding hands! If I know any better, I would say that is complete bullshit!" Drake hissed threw his teeth gap. I bent down and playfully karate-chopped his little head. In surprise, he fell to the ground and gently massaged his head, "Ow! That hurt (Y/N)! Why did you do that?!"

"Drake! If I didn't know any better, I would let the curse slip out of your mouth and to let you continue cursing like a sailor; However! I refuse for you to speak that way you hear?! Nobody likes a potty-mouth!" I explained calmly. He nodded his head in obedience and stood to his small feet. He ran off, to leave Chrollo and I alone.

"Well... That was an interesting boy." Chrollo chuckled nervously as his eyes followed my movements. I sighed, as stood up straight looking out to where Drake ran off. Chrollo grabbed my hand once more and lead me to where ever he was planning on taking me. As we walked I noticed we were in the west part of Meteor City, where everyone was forbidden to go. We walked up to a building that was in the same ruins as the other around it. Chrollo lead me in anyway and continued to guide me threw. I saw many things that I recognized before I knew where I was. I let go of Chrollo's warm hand and ran threw the rubble to meet the one place I felt safe...

...My Paradise...

It was originally a library before Meteor City was closed off from living in. No one knows why the city was in rubble piles, we just found it this way. Everyone guessed it was a nuclear accident or a war zone. In any case, the west sector of the city was hit with the most damage, so it was consider inhabitable by the government and the people who live in the rubble of Meteor City; However, this library was preserved when I found it as a child. Once I was in the library, I ran off and looked at everything that was there. Chrollo came in and watched me run around the room in great excitement.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I looked at Chrollo, once he said those 4 words. The smile narrowed on my face and tears started to fall silently.

"I am. I really am." I answered before walking up to him, "I remember when I was bullied, or hurt by my mother, I would come here. It was a place where I could do whatever I wanted. Believe it or not, it was a haven for me. My kingdom that no one could hurt me in." Chrollo smiled at me, before he looked up at the tree in the middle of the room. I followed his eyes and knew right away that I had to tell, "When I first found this place, there was no tree. After a couple of months of going back and forth, I found it growing in the center. I nursed it and made sure it got what it needed. Who knew it would grow without me?"

"So this place was like your home?" Chrollo questioned softly.

"No. This place was not just my home... It was my paradise."


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One Desire; Chrollo Lucilfer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now