Welcome to My Homecoming

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"At last. I'm home." I breathed as I saw the brim of Meteor City's boarder. No where was as home as a abandoned, crumbled city. My motorcycle kicked up large amounts sand and dirt as I drove. In the inner reaches of the city, I took multiple turns and such to find the base the same as I left it. I parked in the alley next to the base and walked inside with my luggage. As I did so, I remembered the promise I made to Gon. 'Gon. I will return to Whale Island soon! And I will come back a better person!' However, another thought popped in my head a second later. 'Is being in the Phantom Troupe doing a good thing for me?' Before I could think any further, I heard someone yell,

"Welcome back (Y/N)!" Without knowing who it was, I hugged them like I would have done with my father. I opened my eyes to see Machi's pink hair. I was happy that I saw her again. Machi released my hug and gave me a faint smile.

"Were you waiting by this door for a whole fortnight Machi?" I joked, as a chuckle escaped threw my throat and mouth. I stopped in front of Machi and held my luggage in one hand.

"No. The Boss told us you were coming back either today or tomorrow." Machi told as she smiled back at me.

"Did you miss me that much?" I asked, as I gave her a small, sly smile. An embarrassed blush spread across her face and my comment. After which, she immediately got angry and pinched my cheeks roughly and spread them apart. I was in unimaginable pain, before she let me go.

"Yes I did... but," Machi started, before she sighed in sadness, "I wasn't standing here for you because we're friends. I'm here to escort you to Chrollo." My own smile dispersed into thin, awkward air. 'Chrollo is wanting my presence again?! I bet it's about my memories again. Gon dammit! I'm probably only entertainment to him! Not like I didn't know though...' I thought. Part of me didn't want it to be so, but I knew deep down that I was nothing more than a puppet. A toy. I brushed off my thoughts and looked at Machi with a serious expression.

"I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but why in Hell does Chrollo want me?" I asked, as I folded my arms under my breasts.

"Hasn't he been on your back about your past or some shit?" Machi inquired, as she ushered me along toward the meeting room.

"Yeah... It's kind of freaking me out. I mean, what business does the Chief have in my lost history. It doesn't make any sense..." I rambled, as we walked toward our destination. Both Machi and myself knew I was right. It all started when he took me to my childhood safe spot. When did I ever say anything about the secret library to him anyway?! Chrollo was truly an enigma to me. As I snapped out of my thoughts, I noticed Machi and I had reached our destination.

"Well here we are! He's waiting inside. See you!" I waved her goodbye, and looked back to the entrance of the meeting room. What a weird thing for Chrollo to do. What is his goal? What is he after? Nevertheless, I walked in the dark meeting room. Chrollo's high throne was dimly lit by large, melted candles. The leader himself was sitting there, reading away. His abs were seen in the little amount of light. A light blush plagued my cheeks and only got redder the closure I walked to him. As I looked around, I noticed none of the other Phantom Troupe members were present. I hoped whatever he said was something important. Abruptly, Chrollo shut his book and looked at my figure.

"H-Hello Chrollo. Um... Machi said you wanted to see me about something?" I clarified, as I watched him move his position. The dim light prevented me from seeing any of his face; Nevertheless, I talked up to him.

"Yes. How was your vacation? Did you find who you were looking for?" Chrollo's movement shifted once more, as he put one leg over the other and propped his head with his hand. Any girl would have been fan girl-ing if they saw him, but I brushed it aside, knowing he was just trying to tease me.

One Desire; Chrollo Lucilfer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now