Welcome to My Vacation (Pt. 2)

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"Mother? Can I play indoors today? It's raining a lot outside..."

"Does it look like my problem you piece of shit?! Why would you even say such a thing?! Playing inside and rubbing your filthy hands on my furniture? Ridiculous!"









"Why do you hate me?"


"So? How long are you staying here Miss (Y/N)?" It was a crisp, cold night. The wind blew lightly threw my hair. Luckily for Gon, the wind was mostly blocked by me. It was a nice night over all. I looked to the sky and saw glimmering stars floating threw the night's curtain. Never in all the years I have been man-hunting, have I looked up to the stars. They shined brighter than any diamond. It relaxed me a little. Finally, after 21 long years, I felt at peace with myself.

"Um... I not sure how long. About a fortnight or so?" I answered as I held my heavy suitcase. Gon stared at me for a little while before he responded,

"Wow! You're staying here for a really long time." Gon trailed. There was a long moment of silence. This time it wasn't calm, it was awkward. My eyes looked to Gon for some sort of answer, but his face held confusion. His mouth wiggled and he held his eyes shut, not allowing any light to flow into them, "Would you have stayed longer if my dad was here?" I was startled by the amber eyed boy's question. 'Would have I stayed longer if Ging was here?' My first thought was, 'Yes,' due to my fantasies of meeting the very person who saw who I was. Not a demon sent from Hell. Not a heavenly angel that was God's sender. Ging Freecss saw me as a normal human being, and only a human. Another part of me wanted to say no to spare the boy's feelings.

"Maybe... I'm not sure." I said, as I looked down in embarrassment. 

"Why is that?" Gon inquired, as he looked bravely into my eyes. This boy. Ging's son. Gon didn't know anything about me. I haven't committed the taboo of killing a man, but I have threatened many. And tricked many more; However, the very thing that laid deep in this boy's eyes was hope. Hope for me to be a good person. Even though we just met, I felt an urge to prove the best side of me, over my criminal side.

"Kid?! You sure ask a lot of questions." I deadpanned, as I stopped to scratch the back of my head.

"Please answer! I want to know!" Gon piped, as his eager eyes gleamed with wanting and aggression. I sighed heavily and put a hand on Gon's back, signaling to keep moving. 

"I grew up in Meteor City. Ever heard of it?" I asked, before looking at the black haired, 12 year old. Gon thought for a moment, but shook his head in disapproval, "Well... Meteor City is a large heap of crap that outcasts call home. Not like I'm any different. When I was 15, your father, Ging Freecss, and I met while I was running to the only place I called home. He told me that the city was no place for a little girl to be raised in. Ging told me to come here once I was ready to leave Meteor City and start anew. I was just planing to come for vacation though."

"But I thought you were abused by your mother? You were running home to her?" Gon added questionably. My pupils dilated, before I looked at him with a confused expression on my features.

"Wait? You remembered that conversation with your aunt?" I queried, as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah!" Gon cheered as he smiled brightly at me. A small smile graced my features at his answers, yet I was still confused. 'Why the Hell would he remember the conversation with Mito? It involved him sure, but he came in half way threw! This kid is really interesting; Just like his father.'

"Oh!" I faltered, "Well, to answer your question, I was running to my safe place, which was more of a home than anything." Explaining this, started to bring little tears to my eyes. Gon was raised in such a good environment than I was. He had family that loved him dearly. This boy had the ability to smile whenever he wanted. It was truly something special. My first thought was that I was jealous of this kid's smile. But with second thinking, I realized that I wasn't jealous or annoyed; I was just happy for his childhood. Sure his father and mother weren't there, but he still had a family and port that loved him dearly. Just like me in Meteor City. I remembered that all the bounty hunters and thieves would always watch over me like their own child. Everyone knew that my mother would take her full anger on a child, so they watched over me, when my mother kicked me out of the house to starve.

"I would ask more questions Miss (Y/N), but we're here! This is Ms. Plywood's Bed and Breakfast!" Gon pointed out, after he pulled on my sleeve. I looked at the small, quaint building before I looked at Gon again.

"Thank you Gon. It was nice talking to you. I'll see you around alright?" I thanked, before I started to walk toward the red door.

"Okay! Bye Miss (Y/N)!" Gon yelled happily, before he ran off in the direction we came. When he was out sight, I opened the door and found an older women at the front desk... sleeping. I sat on the couch next the door hoping she would wake up soon, so I didn't have to wake her up. She was probably waiting so long that she passed out. After thirty minutes, I stood up and walked over to the older woman. I touched gently and she woke up almost immediately. Her back became straight and her eyes were wider than saucers.

"Oh my goodness! I'm sorry for falling asleep in the middle of everything! Are you (Y/N) (L/N) by any chance?" The older woman asked, as she shuffled papers and pens around, trying her hardest to fix her professionalism.

"Yes I am! I'm going to be here for a fortnight or so! In any case, may I have a bigger room at all possible?" I queried, holding up a finger in question.

"Um... we have one suite, but it hasn't been cleaned out in ages." The older woman sighed before rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. 

"I-It's alright. I'll clean it as long as I have it!" I beamed as I gave her a understanding smile. I knew she didn't get a lot of business, so I wanted to help her out little. If someone were to tap me on the shoulder and ask if I was really a ruthless, maneating thief... I would defiantly say I was a thief! 

"Oh no dear! I insist that I clean it. Just stay in a regular room tonight and the room will be cleaned in the morning." The woman argue softly, as she grabbed her cleaning supplies from the closet.

"Alright, I'll take that." I agreed, not wanting the lady to work at this hour for me, "Thank you! I appreciate it!"


She laughed. Her wicked, cruel laugh and spit bounced off of my face as I looked at her, completely astonished. Her laugh became an ugly cackle. My mother laughed until she grabbed my neck and tried to strangle me.

"I don't hate you! I despise you! You were the one reason I don't have any money! You are the reason! I fucking hate you piece of shit! Your father loved you... far over he loved me... We had beautiful sex together... He loved me over everything, until... You were born. He loved you more than me! He gave you the whole fortune in his god damn will! I fucking loath you, you little brat! You mean fuck to me!"

"Okay mother. Once I am old enough, I'll give you me fortune. I'll make you happy."

"You fucking piece of shit! Your father's will says to never give me a cent! Now make yourself useful and get me the fucking bottle of vodka."

"Yes madame..."










...The will? My father's fortune and wealth was mine? What did my mother do to lose father's trust? I didn't look upon it back then. I promised to give my mother every last cent of my fortune, and I did so, until she passed threw the grave. Nobody, expect me came to her funeral, but I made sure to spit on her grave before she completely departed to the fiery pits of Hell...

One Desire; Chrollo Lucilfer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now