Chapter 4: Echoes from the past

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Two hours later...

Anchieta's journey inside the Fly-source seemed to have no end, because of two things: the immensity of the starship and the fact he didn't know which path to take, he was walking blindly.

- Hey – Someone call him from behind.

Immediately, he turned, in an attack position. It was the lab coat alien.

- You may not remember me, are you?

- I should?

- Of course, yes.

- What you mean?

- This is your fourth time you're in my ship. – The alien spoke calmly, trying to not reveal too much to Fabio.

- The first two were three years ago. Wasn't it?

- Sorry, but your "Friend" believes it's better you found out everything alone.

- Why?

- I don't know. His idea... I'm the Dr. Avilis. And as your "Friend" can't talk to you. He asked me to tell you this. – He grabbed a piece of paper from a pocket of his lab coat and read it. – Fabio. Follow the blue lights that show up on the ceiling.

Fabio looked up. Blue lights. They formed a line to a certain door in the room. After he came back to face the doctor and this one continued to read:

- They will lead you to a hangar of the ship. There you'll find a panel with a red button, it's going to open a gate where you can scape easily by a rode fixed to the ground. See ya.

- That's it?

- Yes. – Avilis simply disappeared in front of him, Fabio looked at every side, trying to find him.

- This is getting crazier every moment. – He grumbled to himself. He asked if he should trust in this Dr. Avilis, but he didn't have another route to follow, besides the one of the lights.

He walked for more than an hour in this route, following the lights in several corridors and stairs. He felt like going into a trap. There was something in Avilis he didn't like. Noticed slightly Avilis was stingy and arrogant. Seemed he didn't just want to talk too much, he really didn't want to talk to Anchieta at all. Like he didn't want to touch or to be touched by Fabio.

He arrived at a room with many cryogenic capsules, columns containing frozen pipes connected to capsules, corpses of Fly-sourde guards and alien soldiers everywhere. They were killed by gunfire or blade cuts. There were bullets, fighting and destruction marks.

Craistol got out from behind a column. He was with his body and armor full of crystal thorns. His face's skin had turned irregular, deformed. Result of his last meeting with Anchieta.

- I need to train more. I'm far away from what I was before. – He said before noticing Anchieta's presence.

They faced each other. One waiting to react the action from the other. Until Craistol talked in his husky voice:

- Here we are again. You managed to get your powers back, Fabio.

- Seems we had a big fight few years ago.

- Don't remember? We were following orders. And the things ended up personal too much.

- I don't remember nothing from what happened. I want to know everything. But not from you!

Craistol attacked with crystal shots from his two hands. Fabio fired a charged lightning, using his two hands and accumulating energy. They hit their respective targets in the same time.

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