Chapter 2: A Necessary Help

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Fabio Anchieta woke up from a deep sleep.

- James... Alexander... What happended? - He said.

On a metal operating table. He was not arrested. The large metal room was very well lit and as white as a hospital. Aliens were everywhere. The guards watched all exits. Dwarf aliens were examining him with devices from a distance and there was an intravenous injection in his right arm sending a green liquid to his body.

Before he did anything, the room shook violently and a low alarm sounded. A screen was turned on and showed alien soldiers invading the flying saucer through a hole in the side of the ship.

The aliens in the room stirred, some guards took Fabio off the table. They took him to a secret passage in a wall, which was opened by a voice command of a guard. Before closing the door, a guard gave Fabio a laser pistol.

He walked down a narrow maintenance aisle and reached the boarding platform for a modest-sized monorail. The door was open, he entered.

- I hope you enjoy the trip, Fabio. - "Friend" spoke through a loudspeaker of the small car. The door closed and the monorail entered a tunnel. - As long as you stayed on the red line, I think you will enjoy the ride.

Fabio's spine suddenly froze. He looked at his clothes, wearing a shirt and pants. White, torn and with blood marks.

- But this is beside the point. I don't know if you're aware of what's going on in this city, but I believe you'll need extra powers to stay alive.

The monorail stopped on a platform, "Friend" didn't speak anymore. He got out of the car and walked into a small white room. Inside it was a metal barrel written "Barnaut" on the lid.

He opened it and took off a special light blue suit, it was a tank top and long pants. The latter of a resistant and a little thick fabric. The tank top was lined with the same material as the boomerang, similar to metal, looked a bit like medieval armor. There was something like a spine on the back. Pieces and veins in the ribs and chest, looking like dark blue flesh. And there were light metal boots that complemented the pants.

A flash of yellow visions showed him James wearing the same type of suit, but black. Another dark blue vision appeared, showing three other men and a woman wearing the same type of costume. Then another flash, this time from his erased memories, he received the same costume as soldiers in red uniforms.

- My squad ... Clarissa and Frederick's friend ... Did we all have these transformations? - He said incredulously. He admired the impressed costume, wondering what it was capable of.

Fabio admired the suit amazed, asking what it was capable. A telephone over a little table ringed, he answered.

- Fabio, you may have already opened the barrel.

- Yes, I did.

- Well. This suit will give you extra protection and increase his stock of energy.

- Wait! You want me transf...

- I know. You actually want to take it off and return to your normal life. It's not? Sorry, but it's irreversible. That machine active what was already inside you.

- It was already in me. Why you don't talk to me at once what's happening and who you are?

- You aren't the only one. I and several others already had the same problems you had.

- You're transformed like me?

- Yes, this is the name they gave us: Transformed. We don't have time to lose. Wear the suit now.

- Wait a second...

- I already was like you. Full of questions and despair, seeing my changing to something I had no idea what it was. But believe. The answers will come within the time. Understand?

- I think so.

- Great. Now wear the suit, we already lost much time.

Fabio took off his ripped clothes and wore the suit. Felt the clothe adjusting to his body, becoming part of this. "Friend" had reason, he felt his stock of energy increasing. Besides, sharp things entered into his body and the backbone in suit's back merged with his one. He felt a lot of pain and came to see everything in blood. When he stopped screaming. "Friend" said on the telephone:

- Great. Now try to launch a lightning against somewhere of the room. It's just use one of your hands.

Fabio used his right hand. With the command of his mind, a lightning covered by blue got out from his hand's palm and hit the other side of the room.

- Wooh!

- Spectacular, not? Now try to accumulate the maximum of energy in your two hands to launch a strike with total force.

Fabio did it, ended up launching a lightning more powerful against the wall.

- Perfect! Remember with this suit your energy will recover quickly. Now my favorite one. Drop the telephone. Get out of the room and try to release lightning around you.

Doing this, showed up a storm of lightning around him. Forming a dome that damaged any enemy who was inside its reach.

- You did it?

- Yes.

- Perfect. Now you need to get out of this ship. To do that, first... - A tremor turned the telephone off.

- Shit! – And happened more violent tremors. It looked the Fly-source was under a heavy bombardment.

He got out the room through a backdoor, barely could walk because of the strong fluctuations of the starship.

The tremors stopped. He arrived to a stairs of maintenance. During the climbing, he thought what he should do now and processed everything what he knew until now what's happening.

He did not want and did not like the idea of ​​settling for the simple fact that he would never go back to normal, as the "Friend" had said. But if he managed to become a human again, he would no longer have a normal life as he and Clarissa wanted. But they never really had it, they never got a real job. Even with her taking a nursing course and him trying all kinds of work, even as precarious as possible. Only on crimes they succeed.

His and Clarissa's subordinates in the Earth Command. They are somewhere or have been. Perhaps the visions were from the past. They never knew what had happened to them in the Failed Mission, because he and Clarissa fled before they were found by the Earth Command.

And what could those monsters on the subway be? Were they in his head or did they really exist? If everything that happened on the subway happened only in his mind, how was he dressed like that... Did the stations really twisted? Did he become food for that three-headed dog? Did he really kill Marisa? Did this Marisa really exist? Nothing seemed to have any truth or logic for him and they certainly had no one else.

What he wanted most was for Clarissa to be around. The uncertainty of whether to see her again or not, killed him more than his enemies.

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