Chapter 7: Bounty on your Head

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The next day, the news goes on and on about the authorities searching for the mutant Fabio Anchieta. He was in an internet café. Dressed still the same way as he fled the helicopters, but in a different color jacket, with cap and sunglasses. Whenever possible, he tried not to look at people in order not to be identified. They kept talking about him badly. Fear, prejudice, enthusiasm, curiosity, the reasons were varied as the buses are crowded for him causing the blockage of the subway and train lines.

He was trying to find an answer on the internet about what was happening to him. He used a tablet he had just stolen.

He tried everything that was related to flying saucers, abductions and medical experiments, found only theories, nothing concrete, some said it served to know the weaknesses of mankind to prepare an invasion, others to study diseases of the earth and thus find cures to facilitate immediate contact.

He found all kinds of crazy theory, for example, that aliens dressed like humans and were hidden between us.

Across the street, three men and a blonde woman arrived, one of the men sniffing the air. He warned the others in a strange language about the cybercafé. Another man made a move and spoke some noises for them to enter.

They were spies on Earth sent by a certain someone.

Still in his search, Fabio turns page after page on the internet to find something. Until the screen of the tablet went dark and words began to appear at the top.

- If you're trying to find a solution, you won't find it that way. - That's what the words said and then came up saying more. - It's me. Your friend". Do you like blondes? Do not be enchanted by one that will appear around accompanied by three men. See you.

Fabio did not understand what that said until he looked around and found a blonde accompanied by three men. He got up and tried to discreetly leave. The spies noticed and one of the men attacked him like a wild animal on four legs. The fake skin of his hands was torn to reveal green hands with yellow claws.

He dropped Anchieta, leaving him without his cap and glasses. Lightning tore at the sleeves of his shirt and the boomerang blade killed the creature.

Another spy kicked Fabio. Two blades came out of the woman's palms, while the other spy revealed a large right arm as big as her body.

Fabio ran away from the spies. The woman, faster, reached him and jumped on him, driving the blades into his back. The one with the big arm tried to crush his head.

He managed to save himself and counterattacked the two spies, took a punch from the spy in the back of the head, he fell and received several kicks. He struck back with lightning.

The one with the big arm threw him against a wall. The woman attacked, she and Anchieta had a fencing battle. She caused several cuts to her arms and abdomen. The strong spy pushed against a gas station convenience store with a tanker that was unloading.

The spy kept hitting him and didn't care about the lightning at all. Fabio's hands found a metal bar and tapped it against the spy's head. Fabio hit the bar several times and beheaded him with the blade after the bar was bent.

The spy with the big arm attacked him and in the fight managed to throw him against the tanker, Fabio ended up disconnecting the hose that discharged the truck, spreading fuel.

The last two enemies attacked him, Fabio used his rays in the fight that ended up burning the fuel, he tried to escape from the flames, but the spy with the big arm grabbed him and put him into the flames.

Fabio bit his neck and managed to free himself, the woman attacked, they were all still inside the post when it exploded.

Fabio was thrown away when he tried to escape and fell on top of a tree two hundred meters away. He ended up breaking his right arm and several ribs, in addition to having several abrasions. His vision was filled with blood. He didn't understand why he was seeing this.

Near the post, a spy arrived and spoke to thespy with the big arm in agony. He was informed of what happened and how Fabiowas doing. Soon after, he took out a white metal device and turned it on, witha hologram. He spoke in his own language about the failure and called for reinforcements,while following Anchieta from afar.

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