Chapter 10: Ambush

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Throughout the night, Fabio was in an empty cell, and no one spoke to him, not even the cops who kept rifles aimed at him all the time. They didn't answer any questions he asked. As soon as the sun came up, he was put in a vehicle, handcuffed, and escorted by several cars and motorcycles.

In some abandoned building downtown, agents had a communication center in the basement, several computers and screens in a row and an agent called:

- V! The police are taking Anchieta out of the city.

- Find out their route and connect with my people. We have to recover Anchieta before the Superiors catch him.

On the trip, Fabio was surprised to see São Paulo, Brazil's megacity and one of the largest cities in the world, stopped. Its streets were almost empty. Few cars and people walked by them, when they identified Fabio in the vehicle, they cursed him or showed fear or anger at him. He wondered if he had really spent just one night.

- Countless disappearances and horrible deaths for weeks, the city does not stop. A guy with blue arms appears and now there is a real threat. - Fabio grunted.

- Shut up! - Last night's officer ordered. - You brought the apocalypse!

- My arms have been like this for a few days! - Fabio spoke. - This subway problem has been going on for weeks and you didn't do anything.

- Finally we have proof that there is a real threat, even with all these deaths. It is because of you that the city is under siege. The army blocked all exit routes and surrounded everything. Nobody enters and nobody leaves Greater São Paulo. We no longer had water and it was cut! We are not receiving food and now nor electricity. The population is afraid and we already have occurrences of looting and riots everywhere!

There was a moment of pause until Fabio remembered:

- Last night, you talked about ... Creatures ... That I brought ... What does that mean?

- There were some survivors and they warned about it before they disappeared. Nobody believed.

- Where are you taking me?

- For the military and see if they can free the city.

- With these creatures I don't think they will do that.

- You are just one more creature among others that infest the city.

Fabio sighed angrily. They were approaching an intersection, where several cars stopped with the engine running, on the sidewalk and garages. Agents hidden in nearby buildings to attack them.

In the car, Fabio asked the following:

- I have a friend who is a policeman named Luís Nogueira ...

- Luís Nogueira. I saw that name on the missing list yesterday.

- Damn it! What did those agents do to him?

- Agents?

- Yes... THOSE GUYS!

The cars moved to block the vehicles. All the dozens of scouting police cars and motorcycles were surrounded. The shooting was intense. The officer got out of the car with a rifle and said to the driver:

- Stay with Fabio. Don't let him escape.

V saw the action through a computer screen, he was already celebrating the certain victory.

But the agents were not the only ones to carry out an ambush. The deafening sound of airplane turbines appeared accompanied by the black spaceship.

It opened a hatch through which a smaller ship the size of a helicopter came out, was shaped like a pyramid with a triangular base, appeared to be made of light, red with strange symbols on its sides. It emitted a strong white light, then turned purple. It got together, concentrating on the front end of the ship and went towards three cars that exploded.

The side ends of the ship threw lasers, purple and smaller, at all the cars and people on the ground. Alien soldiers rappelled down from the ship. Increasing the shooting even further. A policeman started to attack like a wild animal, he was a spy.

- NO!!! - V shouted when he saw the agents and policemen being slaughtered.

In the car where Fabio was. The driver was killed by a shot of the soldiers. Fabio broke the cuffs with his strength and jumped forward, pushing the dead man out of the car. He reversed the car. One of the soldiers saw him and warned the others.

He managed to dodge the cars on the street in the middle of the shots. The triangular ship also knew where he was and prepared a purple beam. He turned the steering wheel, making the car turn so he could get away at full speed. The ray struck late. The ship chased him while shooting, while the soldiers returned to the black ship.

Fabio drove as fast as he could among the traffic cars. The civilians were trying to get out of the city and when they saw the ship they started running too. When turning a curve, Anchieta no longer saw the ship.

- Where is he?! - He wondered.

It appeared in front of you coming out of a curve and preparing a purple ray. He spun the steering wheel hard so it wouldn't get hit by the ray and had to do it again, before it hit a truck on the other side of the track.

In a busy avenue, the ship launched the purple ray, but this time in a place ahead, a little far from the vehicle. Cars flew in flames. Fabio dodged them and also the cars on the ground.

The car ended up hitting a car that stopped it. Fabio was a little dizzy and saw in the rear view the shots of the ship hitting the ground and going to him. He immediately ignited the car and several shots hit the rear. He used a bus as protection against gunfire. People shouted at the bus that lost control and overturned.

Another purple ray made cars fly forward, he managed to dodge the cars. Then the ship used another tactic. She overtook the car, stood about a hundred meters and opened a compartment in the back that released a light so strong that it blinded. Fabio could barely see the cars that were crashing or suddenly appearing so strong that the light was.

He hit the back of a car and another car hit him in the rear, making him turn and cross the street. Then a truck hit him. There was nothing to be seen in the light, and could hear only the noise of car crashing

The ship closed the compartment and when sighting the vehicle in the middle of the pileup, it destroyed it with a purple ray. Agents had picked up Fabio while he was unconscious in the vehicle, and removed him from the vehicle. Looking around like a helicopter, but extremely silent, it found him.

- Damn it! They saw us! - Shouted the agent who was watching the ship. The ship fired at the group. A shot hit Fabio. He woke up. Seeing everything in blood. He escaped into a looted shop while the agents were killed by the ship.

Anchieta ran again, before a purple ray destroyed the store and the building. The building collapsed.

A motorcyclist, taking his booty, ignited his motorcycle. Fabio knocked him down and stole the bike. The ship found him as it emerged from the dust cloud of the collapsed building.

The chase resumed, Fabio went to an exit on the avenue into a street. The ship fired a purple beam at another building. Another collapse. Anchieta invaded the sidewalk so that the building would not smash him. People on the sidewalk were almost run over. The ship's shots would hit anything, be it Fabio or the people on the street.

They left the street in the collapsed building. Fabio saw a power transmission tower. He passed under it. The ship dodged the tower, but hit the wires, where it got tangled.

- That's it! - Fabio applauded.

He steered the bike away from the ship. Withinten seconds of distraction, the ship prepared a purple beam that hit the rearwheel of the bike. He flew into a subway station. He got hurt, rolling down thesteps. Another purple ray destroyed the entrance. Fabio tried to get up, buttiredness, pain and wounds made him pass out.

The Anchietas: The Destruction of São PauloWhere stories live. Discover now