Chapter 8: Innocence

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Fabio woke up over a table, in a small deposit. The room was dirty, with worn look, yellowish paper rolls, rotten pieces of wood and rusty iron bars of construction. His clothes had been changed for new white ones.

Next to him on the table, a recently written paper.

"From the ones who resurrected you. Keep walking, doesn't matter if the path is real or not."

He reflected about it. Gave up on finding logic and explanations.

He got out from the room and entered in a subway station, a sign identified it as the Guilhermina-Esperança station, but it looked as another place. Instead of structures in exposed concrete, rusty iron. The ceiling's structure with interlaced metal bars was about to fall at any time, all and any opening, exit or tunnel were blocked by iron bars. The only illumination was the light of the sparks on Fabio's right hand. The ground was made of grids of many interlaced iron wire, forming holes for the emptiness. He threw a plastic cup into a great hole he had found. The sound of the fall's end wasn't heard.

He still felt the shock of seeing his arms in Pet's mouth, this affected him too much. He doesn't know if that was real or not. Felt his mind being spoiled. His sanity, he was losing it. Discomfort and fear accompanied him through the station.

In his head, Geraldo's words didn't stop walking there. He now understood his paranoia. Because now he also was paranoid and was afraid from every little noise he listened, without knowing some of them was made by himself. Facing a monster again is the last thing he wanted to do. What he really wanted was to get out of there as soon as possible.

He was scared when a public telephone ringed, he spotted it from the other side of an enormous hole over the emptiness.

He walked around the hole and answered the phone, hoping it was the "Friend".

- Hello?

- Fabio! – It was him. – What are you still doing in the subway?

- I... – Started to hear several steps coming in the darkness. He was despaired. – Look, I need a way to get out from here! You have some?

- Hey! Wait! What!

- You have or not?! – The steps increased.

- I think I had one, but...

- Talk! Now!

- Okay... Seems there's an exit that isn't blocked. It's in the floor above you...

- In the floor above me. Ok, thanks!

- Hey! Wait...

Anchieta turned off quickly, and the steps were gone in the same time.

He was breathing heavily and almost didn't blink while he looked to everywhere. Took longer to go upstairs to the floor above. All the exits were blocked by grids, unless one that was blocked by a great door of hardwood.

The lock was three receptacles for three different amulets. One was octagonal, according to an inscription below where it should be placed, was located in Arachnid's lair. Other amulet was circular and was in Artur Alvim station and last one, hexagonal, on the Tatuapé station's footbridge.

- Awesome! Now how I can pass through this door? – Fabio complained and, as if it was his answer, a door was opened. He first heard the noise and after spotted it. It was blocked before by planks of wood.

Bravely, he entered. The door closed behind him in order to not open anymore. He was inside a subway's train, in a narrow tunnel of Yellow Line.

There wasn't separation between the train's wagons. Fabio crossed three wagons and walked to cross the fourth one. His mind was in a such alert state that he heard easily the first noise of metal twisting. He didn't think twice before he started running.

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