Chapter 2: Your enemy

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It was Craistol. His two arms in swords. They had impaled the two guards. He undid the swords so he could push them back. As the elevator door closed, he transformed his right arm into an irregular crystal sword to kill his enemy.

Fabio managed to avoid being impaled. Craistol's sword pierced the metal floor of the elevator. Anchieta landed a kick behind the knee of his attacker. With this blow, Craistol got to his knees and Fabio took the opportunity to stand and push him against the wall.

But Craistol easily pushed him against the opposite wall. He went forward with a kick and the sword attacked. Fabio crouched down and took a cut on his arm. He took a knee from Craistol. She stepped forward and took his legs, lifted him up in the air, barely felt the pain in his arms because of the adrenaline, and threw him against the wall and then on the floor with force.

After stepping on Craistol, he tried to do it again. But the crystal being did not leave. He used his left hand to grab Fabio's support foot and pulled it out. Anchieta fell, colliding with a wall. His enemy's sword attacked again and he managed to catch it with his two bleeding hands.

Craistol turned his other arm into a sword and intended to attack with it. If the elevator hadn't stopped for two guards, Fabio would have died. The guards' guns fired four darts connected by wires to them, two for each. These darts immobilized Fabio and Craistol with shocks.

While one of the guards immobilized Fabio and pulled him out of there easily, the other was needing more shocks at Craistol. Fabio tried to break free while the guard was dragging him and talking on a radio. Suddenly, they both heard gunshots behind them. The guard released Fabio. The other guard was killed by multiple shots from Craistol. He had transformed the fingers of his left hand into tubes for crystal bullets.

The other guard was unable to use his weapon before being hit by Craistol. Fabio used the guard as a shield. The shots killed him. Anchieta entered a room without a door. Armed with a metal pipe he found in what appeared to be a laboratory. Fabio waited for Craistol by the door.

And as soon as his enemy entered, he attacked him with several blows. There were so many that Craistol shattered into fragments. Stunned, he saw the fragments move.

Predicting that Fabio was setting a trap, Craistol made a clone of himself using the crystal on his left arm that came off and transformed similar an origami. The clone was not as strong as he was, but it was useful for situations like this.

When Fabio understood what happened, Craistol attacked him by cutting off the pipe he was holding. He found himself disarmed again and stepped back slowly. The two enemies studied each other's movements. Anchieta saw a liquid, green and bubbly, in a flask a little away from him. Fabio was five steps from Craistol.

Sensing that this was his chance, he risked opening a breach for Craistol to attack with his swords. With a close throw, the flask burst into Craistol's face, the acid corroded the crystal. He untransformed the two swords, put his hands on his face.

Fabio took the opportunity to escape. Darts with tranquilizer hit him in the corridor, full of guards. The tranquilizer had a quick effect. Before he lost consciousness, he saw Craistol also succumb to several darts. His whole face deformed by the acid.

- We'll continue later, Fabio. - He grunted and Anchieta passed out.

A long time later, Fabio woke up being carried by guards. His friends were put back in the car, but he was thrown out with contempt.

He can witness someone, very large and with red eyes shining, watching him from the door of the flying saucer. He had his hand on his chin as if he were thoughtful. Fabio felt that this guy was excited.

The door closed. The gigantic flying saucer, hundreds of miles in diameter and height, took off vertically, silently and without raising dust. He disappeared in the blink of an eye. Friends started waking up with a hangover in the car.

- Dude! What happened? - Asked one of the dizzy friends as Fabio approached the car.

- Are you okay? - Fabio said tired and moody, another friend spoke very scared:

- Oh my! Fabio what happened to your arms?

- What with my arms? Huh?!

He even thought he was crazy, but the fact that they saw it also didn't let him accept this idea. His arms were like those of a monster, from the fingers to the shoulders were dark blue, with thicker skin and claws at the tips of the fingers. Large swollen veins were visible in a darker blue.

- My God! What is this?!

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