Chapter 6: A Tour through Hell

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The train went up the tunnel, Fabio decided to sit on a bench outside the driver's cabin, the shotgun on his lap. He felt his body weak from the loss of blood. The locomotive towards Pedro II station, he saw the landscape of São Paulo on a moonless night, there was no light on.

The locomotive did not stop at the station. A strong noise. Fabio was startled. He saw the locomotive hit a police car. The vehicle spun on the platform with the impact. There were blood marks on the front.

The station left behind by a bridge now. The different landscape, some semi-destroyed buildings, the ship of light in the distance using a strong light like a searchlight to search through a dense fog. He approached the Brás station, elevated from the ground. The train stopped at the station filled with fog and darkness, the doors opened automatically. He got up and went to one of the doors.

Before he took the first step out. A thrown object, rolled on the floor, was half a corpse. It came from a disabled escalator. Where a man went up. Crawling with difficulty and despair.

In the darkness, a silhouette finished climbing the stairs, it was in the shape of a man with a straight posture, seven-feet tall and of great physique. Fabio found strange the size of the fingers of his hands.

The man aimed a revolver at the monster. The monsters' fingers penetrated the arm. They were claws and increased in size, both in width and in length. The revolver flew. The man cried out in pain. The scream ended at the same time as life.

The monster saw Fabio in the train. Anchieta looked at his six evil eyes, narrow and wide to the sides that emitted a blue glow highlighting the black irises, so dark that they seemed to pierce the soul.

He took a few steps forward. Fabio prepared the shotgun. But the monster stopped.

- What is it now? - He said in a voice full of anger and hatred. The voice from Palmeiras-Barra Funda station spoke:

- He doesn't want you to kill him.

- What does that idiot want, Mouthpiece?

- I don't know. Just get out of here.

The monster left the stairs that went up facing Fabio. The train doors closed, Mouthpiece turned to him and looked at him saying:

- I'm just following orders.

There was nothing but his eyes. The irises of bright yellow, the veins of bright red on white. They didn't blink.

The train left and she was still staring. He sat down on a bench again. Lightning flashed to the window. The silhouette of a person on the roof of a house. Fabio had the impression that he was looking directly at him.

The train stopped at Bresser-Mooca station. Its doors opened. He saw Geraldo kicking and hitting the butt of a woman without stopping. He cursed and beat her like there was no tomorrow.

- What are you doing?!

- There is? You again! - He saw Anchieta with the gun in his direction. - She is not what she appears to be!

- What do you mean?

- You do know! - Geraldo shot him. Behind a bench, Fabio counterattacked with the shotgun. It did not kill him because Geraldo protected himself behind a station bench.

- You are crazy. You son of a bitch!

- You don't understand! Do you? - Geraldo came out from behind the bank, very upset, gesticulating a lot with his machine gun and almost without a voice so loud he spoke.

- These things are not from this world! I have no idea where they are! I just know - He started to disintegrate as if it were made of several pieces of burnt paper being carried by the winds. - that these creatures! - His voice started to get a deep tone - They came to steal, kill and destroy everything they find. Our feelings! Our reason! Our trust! Our family ... - He disappeared, but his voice continued to speak - They make us their toys! Have no fear! Have no compassion! They have no conscience!

The doors closed and the train left, entering a tunnel, but the voice remained in Fabio's head. He covered his ears with his hands.

- They don't know what remorse is! Repentance! Love! ... I had to kill my co-workers! My family !!! ... What they did to my mother! My father!!! My wife and son! I'm afraid of what they did! These images are still in my head! These images are still in my head! These images are still in my head! These images are still in my head! - The voice got deeper and crazier with each repetition mixing with the deafening noises of the tunnel that was between the stations Bresser and Belém. - They are in my head! In my head! Head! Head! Head! - Fabio fell to the floor wanting this to stop. - Head! Head! Head! Head! Head! Head! Head! Head! Head! Head! – A twisted sound. - ALL YOUR FAULT!

The voice stopped when he arrived at Belém station.

He crawled over to sit on a bench with his hands on his head. He was panting. The trip to the next station.

He looked at the next window, saw the silhouette of the same person on the balcony of another house. He watched him until the Tatuapé station arrived, passing under the big walkway that connected the two Tatuapé malls.

After going under the catwalk. The silhouette of the person against the window. Fábio fired with the shotgun. The danger fell from the train.

- All of this can only be in my head. He looked at his arms and boomerang. - You guys are driving me crazy.

He wanted to believe this explanation. He thought it best to think of something else to make him feel better. He thought of Clarissa. She should be worried about him. He recalled all the moments that she took care of him. Especially the time he was shot. All the love and affection she gave him. So much so that he felt guilty for not reciprocate in the same amount. Even though he took care of her once during the time in the Earth Command, she had been badly shot, so much he believed she would die. He wanted to be beside her. Hugging her.

The train arrived at Carrão station. A tremor. He fell down.

The train trembled once more and derailed, Fabio held on as he could while thrown from side to side in the wagon overturning and twisting into a deep abyss.

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