Chapter 9: Without Direction

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From the other side of the wreckage, there was Palmeiras-Barra Funda, in your normal state, but abandoned.

He spotted a shadow over the ground, was of a woman observing the sunset, but the woman wasn't visible, even with he behind her.

- Mouthpiece? – Fabio identified it. It just turned the face, revealing its weird eyes and turned back to observe the scenery.

- It's just you.

- What's happening here? – It didn't move or talked. – What are you doing? – He continued without answers. - Why don't you answer me?

- Let's do this way. Die and I answer all your questions. – She spoke without turning to him.

He left it in peace and searched the station. Found a room with the door open. Entered. It was the control room of the Subway, there were several screens displaying images of security cameras.

He saw in a screen the image of Marisa walking through a tunnel, dark and cold. She was hugging her arms, trying to warm herself. He accompanied her until she was out from the camera's reach. In other screen, he saw the shadows of two Bigbrutes dividing a man with their bare hands, the image was a little drizzle and shaky until it ended.

Other screen showed Geraldo running and shooting at something, which Fabio couldn't see, because the image turned black. Other one displayed the octagonal amulet in the middle of a gigantic web of spider over an emptiness, this image was clear. And the hexagonal amulet was in a pedestal in the middle of the footbridge between the malls subway Tatuapé 1 and 2, it was night there.

There, the monster Murderer passed. In the darkness, only its eyes were possible to be seen. It stopped and looked at the camera. Pointed to it and then passed its thumb near the throat. And came back to its way.

He saw a door with the board "exit" above it. Went inside the Sé station. In the central area, there was a hole on the ceiling. It seemed the hole was created by a bomb. The body of Arachnid rested in the same place as the last time he saw it. The only available way was through a tunnel.

He went to the light in the end of the tunnel. When he arrived there, walked over a bridge made of thousands of faces carved on stones and they were shouting and struggling in pain without stopping, the mismatched screams were disturbing. In the bridge's middle, there was a pedestal made of bones, where the hexagonal amulet was. In the bridge's end, there was another tunnel. The bridge was over a deep fog on the emptiness.

Fabio took the amulet, when he was going to see his path. Surprised. Now on the Tatuapé's footbridge.

He followed, with his eyes, a paper flew from the footbridge to the outside. Ended up seeing, over a wall of the Tatuapé 1 subway mall, the Monster-Lord Arachnid.

- What? Impossible! – Fabio exclaimed, because he had seen it dead in Sé station and now it was alive with no scars or any others consequences from the battle like Pet in the second time they met. He was so surprised and disturbed, didn't manage to avoid the jet of poison.

With no alternative, he ran into the mall. Removing the poison with his hands and shaking his body, while the poison liquefied his flesh.

Arachnid chased him into a mall. Fabio tried to remove the poison and still had to bear out the pain of exposed flesh, it was slowly regenerating.

He ran for all the abandoned mall, he could feel his mind very weak and this reflected on his reflexes, they weren't fast enough to dodge the poison's jets.

Fabio found a hatch in the middle of the event hall. That thing wasn't supposed to be there. He opened it, very dark to know its depth. But with Arachnid approaching. He was quick to jump in. The hatch was too small for Arachnid passes. For it nothing left, and to conform in losing another hunt.

Fabio fell on the enormous web he had seen on the screen. He didn't know how long he was falling and which was the height, only knew his body was already cured from the poison. He made a long walk to the center of the web, where he took the last amulet. The octagonal one.

When the three amulets touched each other in his pocket, a fog enveloped him. When it disappeared, he had returned to Guilhermina-Esperança station, near the door of the three amulets.

- Let's see if it was worthy all the effort. – Fabio spoke. He fitted the three amulets in their places and saw the enormous door opening slowly.

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